16. About Last Night

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"They say I did something bad. Then why's it feel so good? Most fun I ever had. And I'd do it over and over. And over again if I could. It just felt so good, good."

I did something bad - Taylor Swift 

As I slowly woke from a deep sleep, the warm weight pressing against my side caught my attention. My senses gradually woke with each blink of my eyes, the world around me came into sharper focus, and I found myself met with the sight of a tan, muscular arm draped across my waist. My gaze drifted upwards along the length of the arm until I was met with the softened features of Bellamy. 

A rush of emotions swept over me as I took in the sight of him, memories of last night flooding back with an almost overwhelming intensity. The intimacy shared, the touches exchanged and the raw desire that pulsed between us. As the reality of last night dawned upon me, I felt a wave of intensity crashing over me. With a sudden awareness, I realised I slept with Bellamy Blake...

In a frenzy of panic, I disentangled myself from Bellamy's embrace, my movements urgent as I slipped on my boots and attempted to untangle my hair. The confines of the tent felt suffocating, the air thick with the weight of unspoken emotions. Every fibre of my being screamed for escape, for distance from the overwhelming intensity of the moment. With my heart pounding in my chest, I stumbled out of Bellamy's tent into the cool morning air. 

As I made my way through the camp I desperately needed space to gather my thoughts, to make sense of the emotions that threatened to consume me. Questions raced through my mind, each more urgent than the last, demanding answers I wasn't sure I could provide. I slept with Bellamy Blake, but why did I like it? Why did it feel so good? Why did I want to do it again? Over and over again...

"Cindy?" A voice interrupted me from my spiralling thoughts. Startled, I jumped slightly, my hand instinctively flying to my chest as I struggled to catch my breath. I looked up to find Octavia's concerned gaze fixed upon me. 

"What's going on?" Octavia asked with a frown as she took in my unsettled form. Desperate to maintain my composure, I scrambled for words, my mind racing to formulate a response that would deflect Octavia's question. 

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on, why?" I scrambled with words taking over as I struggled to regain my composure. 

"Okay, something is definitely going on. Why do you look like you've done something bad?" Octavia's accusation hung heavy in the air as I struggled to find my footing amidst the swirling chaos of my own emotions. With each passing moment, the weight of guilt threatened to crush me beneath its relentless pressure. 

"Uh, what do you mean-" I began, but before I could finish, Clarke swooped in, a welcome interruption to the discomfort that had settled between Octavia and me.

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