10. Poison Veil

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"Cause I was filled with poison. But blessed with beauty and rage"

Ultraviolence - Lana Del Ray

"Finn!" I cried, my voice echoing through the cave, as I scrambled to his side. Time seemed to stop as I knelt beside him, my heart hammering in my chest as I watched the life drain from his eyes. As I knelt beside him Finn's eyes latched onto mine in shock before his eyelids began to droop.

"Finn, no, no, stay with me." I pleaded desperately as I held his cheek in trembling hands. My pleads didn't work as Finn's eyes closed. With trembling hands, I searched for any sign of life, finding only a faint pulse. He was alive, but not for long.

Amidst the chaos, I heard the sound of a loud thud, and my eyes snapped towards the direction. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Bellamy on the ground with his chest only inches away from the tip of a spear held by the grounder. 

"Stop! That's my brother!" Octavia cried out before Jasper suddenly struck the grounder over the head with a large rock. As the grounder fell to the side of Bellamy I felt a rush of relief surge through my veins.

However, my gaze swiftly returned to Finn, lying on the brink of death. With a frantic urgency, I bent over his body, my hands trembling I examined the knife wound. The knife was so deeply embedded we would have to take it out back at camp, otherwise we'd risk him bleeding to death. As I ran my hands through my hair comprehending the gravity of the situation I felt strong hands grasp my shoulders before spinning me around.

"Are you hurt?" Bellamy asked with worry as he urgently spun me around to face him. His eyes widened in alarm as they settled on the ominous crimson stain seeping through my shirt. My hands trembled violently which Bellamy noticed as he grasped them in his own to stop my shaking. 

"I'm fine." I replied, moving away from his grasp before turning back to Finn. "We have to get him back to camp now."

"Wait, you're not going to take the knife out?" Octavia asked in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief as she joined me by Finn's side.

"I can't, he'll bleed to death. Hurry we don't have time for this." I frantically begged the others as we began carrying Finn's limp body back to camp.

We carried Finn back through the same woods that had echoed with our laughter and camaraderie mere hours ago. It felt like just yesterday that Finn introduced himself to me as we found ourselves seated side by side on the drop ship hurtling towards Earth. Now as I looked upon his lifeless form, I couldn't bear the thought of losing him because of me. I was beginning to notice the pattern where everyone I got close to ended up paying the ultimate price.

The whole trek I felt a suffocating sense of guilt engulfing me, distracting me from the pain in my side. If he didn't make it, it would be my fault. He would have sacrificed himself for me, and I couldn't shake the realisation that I wasn't worthy of the sacrifice.

Karma - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now