17. Viral Warfare

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"Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding. But nothing ever stops you leaving."

When The Party's Over - Billie Eilish


In the dimly lit training room of the Ark, I stood before a punching bag, my fists wrapped tightly in tape. Beads of sweat glisten on my forehead as I stare at the target in front of me, determination burning in my eyes. My father's voice echoes in my mind, driving me forward with every strike. Ironically, thanks to my father I have access to the cadet training areas

"You need to be stronger, Lucinda. You need to be better," His words played on repeat like a song I couldn't get out of my head. I felt the weight of his expectations pressing down on me, a heavy burden I couldn't shake off.

With a sharp exhale, I launch into my routine, my fists flying as I unleash a round of punches. Each impact reverberates through my body, but I push through the pain, channelling my frustration and anger into my movements. Training has become my sanctuary, the one place where I can escape the suffocating pressure of my father's gaze. Here, I am in control. Here, I can prove myself.

But no matter how hard I train, no matter how many hours I spend perfecting my technique, it never seems to be enough. I can never quite reach the impossible standard set by my father, and can never quite fill the void left by the absence of a son.

As I land a final, powerful blow, the punching bag swings wildly on its chain, the sound of its impact echoing through the empty room. Breathing heavily, I step back, my chest rising and falling with each ragged breath.

But even in my exhaustion, even in the ache of my muscles, I know I can't stop. I can't afford to rest, can't afford to falter. Deep down, I know that my father's approval is the only thing that can fill the emptiness inside me. And so, I wipe the sweat from my brow and return to my training, pushing my body to its limits in a defeating pursuit of validation.


With a gasp, I woke up from my dream, more of a memory really. My body felt hot, as though I was back in the Ark training, with the adrenaline coursing through me even as I struggled to bring myself back to the present.

"What's going on? Are you sick?" Bellamy's voice cut through the haze of my confusion, his concern clear from the furrow of his brow and the edge to his tone. His hand reached forward to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I turned to meet his concerned expression. 

Karma - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now