9. Radio Riots

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"You've got my devotion. But man, I can hate you sometimes. I don't want to fight you. And I don't wanna sleep in the dirt."

Fine Line - Harry Styles

My blood rushed through my veins as I marched through the woods, my hands drawing into fists. The thought of Bellamy gaslighting me into staying at camp while he went for the pod by himself ran through my mind like wildfire. The suffocating weight of responsibility pressed down on my shoulders as the grim reality of our situation hung heavy in the air. 

The entire camp was starving slowly to death without any means of protection and hunger gnawing at our stomachs. And yet, amidst the chaos of our desperate existence, Bellamy's betrayal cut deeper than any physical deprivation I was feeling at that moment.

I led the others back to camp under the assumption that Bellamy would be making his way back. Of course, I was right. Through the trees, I caught sight of Bellamy's familiar silhouette, his tall frame weaving its way through the forest.

"Hey! Blake!" I called out closing the gap between us with purposeful strides as he turned to me with a surprised expression. With a swift shove, I forced him off balance and the impact sent him stumbling backward, caught off guard by my ferocity.

"Where the fuck is the radio?" I demanded as he stumbled backwards slightly before straightening himself up. For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air until Bellamy's gaze hardened. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about

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"I have no idea what you're talking about." Bellamy shrugged my off accusation causing me to laugh while crossing my hands over my chest.

"Oh really? That's convenient considering three hundred innocent people are going to die if you don't hand it over." I retorted, my words dripping with disdain as I watched Bellamy's expression shift from indifference to a frown.

"Bellamy." Finn's voice cut through the tension, drawing everyone's attention as the rest of our group finally caught up with us. "Where's the radio?"

"Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you." Raven interrupted stepping forward as I turned to Bellamy with a frown.

Karma - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now