15. Drunken Desires

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"What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh. Only in my mind? One slip and falling back into the hedge maze. Oh, what a way to die. My bedsheets are ablaze. I've screamed his name. Building up like waves. Crashing over my grave. Without ever touching his skin. How can I be guilty as sin?"

Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift

Once I made me way out of the camp walls, trying my best to escape Bellamy, I leant back against the wall that surrounded the camp. The chill of the night air brushed against my skin, a stark contrast to the heat of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I inhaled deeply trying to make sense of my thoughts through the rush of alcohol clouding my mind. 

Suddenly, a shudder ran through my body, my muscles seizing as I lurched forward until my hand leant against a nearby tree. My stomach wrenched with pain as I doubled over and emptied the meagre contents of my stomach into a nearby bush. Gasping for air, I clung to the tree for support, the world spinning dizzily around me as I struggled to regain my composure.

"Classy as always queen." I heard a voice chuckle from behind me as I turned to spot Finn watching me with raised brows in amusement. I shot him a deadly glare over my shoulder, my irritation heightened at his mockery. 

"Oh, fuck off." I muttered under my breath, turning away and placing my hands on my knees as my head hung heavy as I tried to regain my composure by focusing on my spinning senses. 

"Did you find her? Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." I heard a familiar voice sigh in frustration before I looked up to spot Clarke beside Finn with her arms crossed in irritation. 

"Bring the whole camp to watch me throw up why don't you." I mocked bitterly, the sarcasm heavy in my voice as I straightened up, causing Finn to chuckle while Clarke groaned and made her way toward me.  

"Lucinda, you need to get it together. I need you, it's important." Clarke's urgent plea cut through the lingering haze of my alcohol haze. Despite my lingering nausea and the throbbing ache behind my eyes, I straightened up, determined to push through the fog of intoxication that clouded my mind. With a groan, I pushed myself upright, leaning back against the rough bark of the tree beside me. "Finn set up a meeting with the grounders and I need you to come."

"Wait, what? Can't you just take Bellamy? I'm sure he'd love a chance to take control like usual." I replied bitterly, my voice thick with disdain as I rolled my eyes in frustration, still reeling over his actions.

"They don't want Bellamy. Lucinda, they only requested you." Finn spoke up as my eyes locked on his. Confusion knit my brows together as I processed Finn's words, a mix of surprise and apprehension flooding my senses. The grounders' specific request for my presence only heightened my curiosity towards the meeting. 

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