23. Whispers of War

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"And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences. Sit with you in the trenches."

Peace - Taylor Swift


"With you? Always." Bellamy replied, his voice steady and strong. The words were like a promise, a commitment to our future. I needed him, and deep down, he needed me too. 

"We need to move fast," Finn interrupted, rushing back with the stretcher and carefully positioning it beside Raven. His earlier confrontation with Bellamy was momentarily set aside, replaced by the urgency of our situation. The gravity of our mission hung heavy in the air.

Outside, the camp was a hive of activity. People hurriedly packed their belongings, the air thick with fear and anticipation. The rustling of bags, the murmur of voices, and the occasional clatter of metal created a symphony of survival. I stood beside Bellamy, feeling the weight of leadership on my shoulders. I took a deep breath and gave a final command that cut through the chaos.

"Alright, everyone, listen up! We're moving out, and we need to stick together. We head east to the ocean. Stay close, stay alert, and look out for each other. We survive together, or not at all." My voice carried over the crowd, firm and commanding. It was a declaration of our unity, a rallying cry for our survival.

With a nod of grim understanding, the hundred began filtering out of the camp. Bellamy and I stood by the gates, watching the last stragglers make their way through. We took one final look back at where everything had started. 

As we turned to leave, I noticed Bellamy's lingering gaze catching on the graveyard just outside the camp walls. The makeshift markers, simple but significant, stood as silent witnesses to our losses.

"Eighteen dead..." Bellamy spoke solemnly, voicing the heavy truth we both carried in our hearts.

"Eighty-two alive," I replied in a comforting tone, despite feeling the same sense of failure. I knew that I couldn't count on keeping the remaining hundred alive if I didn't hold onto hope. "You did good here, Bell."

"We did good here," Bellamy responded, his voice softer now. He turned to face me, his eyes searching mine, and gave me a small but genuine smile. The acknowledgment of my role as a leader, and his recognition of my efforts, felt empowering. It was a feeling not many men had given me, and it stirred something deep within.

As we walked away from the camp, Bellamy's hand slid and entwined into my own. The forest loomed in the distance, a vast unknown that held both danger and hope. The path to the ocean was fraught with uncertainty, but we had no choice but to forge ahead. Our survival depended on it.

Karma - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now