Chapter 2

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After Charlie and Vaggie left, Alastor then went to his room for a bit to go lie down and rest himself for a bit before the pain in his wound start hurting him again. Lucifer on the other hand was checking on everyone also making sure if everything is good so far, as he passes by the bar he saw Angel talking to Husk and even playfully flirt with Husk at times, Lucifer smiled then he looked at his ring on his finger as he frowned, he was wondering where would Lilith be at and also wonders if she still has feelings for him, if not she should be able to be here for their daughter. He sighs as he goes on the elevator and goes all the way up to the top since his room was there after all.

As he went to his room he glanced at where Alastor's room was at, he then decided to go check on him to make sure Alastor was good, but only for Charlie's sake because she would be upset if anything happened to him. So Lucifer then knocks on Alastor's door, when Alastor hears his door he groans with an annoyance in his voice that radio static came out.

Alastor then opened the door. "What do you want shortie?" Alastor said with an annoyed tone in his voice. Lucifer then twitched his eye after hearing that then said, "I just came to check on you Bambi." "Bambi? Seriously?" Alastor then scrunched up his face and gave Lucifer a sharp glare.  "Well you are a deer so might as well." Lucifer shrugged then said, "Are you doing ok or not? Before you ask, I'm only asking to make sure you're ok for Charlie's sake, I personally wouldn't give a shit about you." "Oh how kind of you, your majesty" Alastor said in a mocking tone. "Well fuck you asshole, I was only asking" Lucifer rolled his eyes as he just walked off to his room as Alastor watches him go to his room, he then went back inside and lays back down on his bed also gripping on his chest which still hurts as he groaned in pain.

--A few days later--

Lucifer woke up and headed towards the kitchen as soon as he left his room and got off the elevator, as soon as he got to the kitchen he decided to cook something for the crew. Husk on the other hand was already awake and was at the bar drinking as usual.

Once everyone else woke up they were now in the hall just talking to each other, Alastor was just sitting down on a chair as he just glanced at everyone else, when Niffty went to Alastor, he gave her a genuine smile and also gave her a pat on her head. Then a knock came at the door as Alastor got up to go answer it, once he opened the door, he saw so many suitcases in front of him as he tilted his head.

Cherri Bomb then came out from behind them then says, "Wassup fuckers! Guess I am staying here after all!" She then pushes her suitcases inside the place as Alastor teleported them to a room she was going to stay in.

Angel then noticed his best friend Cherri as he ran up to her to go greet her. "Whoa! You're actually staying?! Angel said excitedly. "Yep! So what's up Angel? Have you and that cat, getting along well?" Cherri asked about Angel's and Husk's relationship so far. "Well we are getting along well as friends of course!" Angel then said. They were chatting for a while.

Once Lucifer gets breakfast ready, serves everyone on a plate, then sets it down on the table, and then he calls out for everyone to come eat breakfast. They all came to eat some breakfast. Alastor was refusing to eat since he had some deer meat to eat for breakfast, Lucifer then eventually forced him to eat breakfast with the others. Alastor rolled his eyes as he just eats the food, it was alright but it wasn't his favorite really, when he was finished Angel on his way to put his plate away accidentally bumped into Alastor to the edge of the table which made the pain on Alastor's wound on his chest and stomach come back as he grips his chest as he winced in pain.

"Whoa smiles, you ok? Sorry for that-" Angel then asked as he noticed Alastor gripping his chest. "Haha! Never better!" Alastor then gave a convincing smile to hide the pain as always even though he smiles 24/7 so it was hard to tell what Alastor was feeling and all. "Uh ok then?" As Angel said that he shrugged then went to the sink and set down his plate. Alastor then went to the elevator as quickly as possible to go to the top floor to go to his room to check on his wound.

Lucifer lifted his eyebrow as he saw Alastor just leave, he sighs in annoyance and decides to go see what the hell is up with Alastor.

Once Lucifer was up to the top floor, he immediately went to Alastor's room and noticed his door was cracked open as he peeked inside, he noticed Alastor wasn't around meaning he was in the bathroom, so he walked in and noticed Alastor shirt and jacket on his bed as he went to it and saw a bit of blood on the shirt as he picked it up. Then Alastor came out of his bathroom and saw Lucifer, as he growled at him.

"Get out!" Alastor said as he growled at him. Lucifer then looked at Alastor and saw bandages on his chest and stomach area. "Oh wow, guess you did get hurt with your battle with Adam, huh?" Lucifer then said and gave him a smug look on his face. "Ha! At least I was able to fight him without getting hurt!" Lucifer then crossed his arms as he laughed at him. "Fuck you, now you get out now." Alastor said as he was annoyed by Lucifer by now. "And leave you here with that injury like that? You do realize a wound like that won't easily heal right away, well.... At least without my help anyways." Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes. "Tch I don't need your help.... Besides why would you care." Alastor glared at him as he said that. "You would be surprised about my abilities, also I would rather not have you die before Charlie comes back and gets worried about you, again I wouldn't give a shit about you. So basically this is for my daughter and her only." Lucifer said. "Hm... Nah I am not asking for your help." Alastor said being stubborn as usual. Lucifer then sighs of annoyance then thought of something he might regret asking.

".... How about we make a deal?" Lucifer asked hesitantly. Alastor's fluffy ears perked up curious about what Lucifer said. "... Go on..." Alastor said as he was interested. "I heal you and you can ask for anything in return..." Lucifer said thinking this might be a horrible idea. As Alastor smirked then he said, "blood." "What-?" Lucifer then looked at him thinking he didn't hear that right. "You heard me, I want blood. And not just any blood... Your blood....~ I tasted an exterminator angel's blood but I do wonder how a fallen angel's blood tastes like..~" Alastor said as he looks bloodthirsty. Lucifer blinked a bit disgusted with this but he sighs seeing how this may be the only way for him to heal Alastor. "Fine... Deal." Lucifer said as he seems to already regret this. Alastor on the other hand seems happy to hear this.

After Lucifer healed Alastor, Alastor on the other hand got up and put on a shirt and jacket. "Well are you going to get a taste of my blood or what?" Lucifer said as he sighs. ".... In time your majesty.... Besides I get to taste that blood anytime I want." Alastor said in a cheery voice. "Fine whatever then" Lucifer rolled his eyes as he left Alastor's room as Alastor fixed up his bowtie.

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To be continued!

Here's another chapter hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try to keep updating WHEN I do have time cause college is pretty difficult ngl. Have a good day/night! See ya in the next chapter!

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