Chapter 13

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"Pardon me Lu... I'm going to introduce myself to a guest." Alastor told Lucifer before walking towards his father.

"Hello good fellow and who might you be?" Alastor said as he was keeping an act. The guy said, My name is John, leave me the fuck alone radio box."

"Ohoho.... I'm surprised you haven't recognized me!~ Especially since I am all over hell as one of the most powerful overlords!" Alastor said, he knew his dad, but his father somehow doesn't recognize his own son. "Oh lovely an overlord! Wait... Your that demon who broadcast screams of the previous overloads in 1933?!" John said as he took a step back.

"Indeed I am...." As Alastor said that, he had a sinister smile on his face. "And I would love to broadcast your screams of terror on my radio! Oh this will be fun...." Alastor said, as radio dials were in his eyes.

"You're fucking insane.." John said, as he was stepping back more. "Oh how rude of me! I didn't introduce my actual name! My name is Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you.... Quite a pleasure..." Alastor said giving his father a look, then it hit his father when Alastor said his name.

"Alastor? As in Alastor [Reacted]?!" John said as he quickly grew pissed off. "Haha! Indeed I am, father...." Alastor said as he snarled at his dad. "You fucker! I'm going to...-" John was about to say before Alastor interrupted him.

"Beat me? Oh sorry about that but I am an overlord father and you.... Is just a sinner...~ So if anything I'm the one to hurt you!" Alastor smiled evilly as he glared at his father.

John clenched his fists before heading out of the hotel, Alastor thought of following him but this was a party and he couldn't have Charlie and the others worry about where he was at. He would just deal with his dad later, for now he went back to go spend some time with Lucifer.

Then Stolas and Octavia made their way to Lucifer to introduce themselves to the King of Hell.

"Hello dear Lucifer, my name is Stolas, I'm one of the Goetias and this is my daughter Octavia! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Stolas said as he did a little bow. "Oh hello Stolas, it's nice to meet you too! Also there's no need to bow, we are both royalty after all." Lucifer said. "Ah I know but you are the ruler of all of hell so I thought it was going to be polite. Stolas then looked at Alastor who was by Lucifer.

"Oh my! Are you dating him Lucifer?" Stolas said with a bit of sparkles in his eyes. Lucifer looked up at Alastor as he smirked, he then wrapped his arm around Alastor's waist as Alastor blushed before saying, "Oh me and him? Yes we are!" "Oh wow! You two actually look adorable!" Stolas said then he frowned thinking of Blitzø.

Octavia left to go explore the party before getting jumped by Charlie and ended up talking to her for a while.

"Are you doing good sir?" Lucifer noticed Stolas as he asked. "Oh nothing... Just thinking about my relationship...." Stolas said with a sad smile. "Well whatever it is, I wish you luck with your relationship." Lucifer said, he knew he shouldn't ask about it since that was for Stolas to know not him. "Thanks, well goodbye to you sir!" Stolas said to Lucier before walking off.

Alastor looks away, embarrassed before his ears droop down. Lucifer noticed then he said, "Hm you're alright Al?" "Yes, I just didn't think you would admit that to that bird like that, it got me by surprise." Alastor said as he looked down at Lucifer. "Well it wouldn't be the first especially after I heard that Bee is dating a hellhound and the sin of lust himself is dating an imp, so this would be considered normal" Lucifer said as he smiled looking up at Alastor, before frowning.

"Why must I be so short?" Lucifer pouted as a child before hearing Alastor chuckle. "Well... You are my short little king after all~" Alastor said as he lifted Lucifer's chin to look at him. Lucifer blushed before looking away. "Ok that's enough Bambi." Lucifer said still blushing.

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