Chapter 47: A New Guest?

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As Lucifer was panicking about his daughter and her hotel, Alastor was comforting him the best he could. Then eventually the spell wore off of the doors as they finally opened.

"Oh wow, that worked..." Azrael the angel of death said as he frog blinks, gayly. ""Az, we can see that y'know-" Michael said before sighing as he facepalms.

"Well... It's nice to see you my brothers and sister! I gotta go now! I got a Charlie to make sure she's safe!" Lucifer said before grabbing Alastor and leaving the place immediately.


Eventually, the two got back home and saw Charlie walking back and forth, wondering what to do, Margaret just sitting on the lobby couch with a worried expression, and Adam trying to be a comforting friend for Margaret.

"Charlie?! Are you ok?!" Lucifer said before running up to her and hugging his tall daughter.

"Yes dad I am fine... Anyways... Good news.... Lute is finally dead.... Bad news.... Seffy..? Or Joseph...? He ran away..... I have no idea what is wrong with him...." Charlie said as she was stressing out. "I see.... Hm....not sure how I could help but maybe me and Al can find hi-" Lucifer said before Vaggie came up and interrupted him.

"Sir..? I need a favor...." Vaggie asked as she was a bit embarrassed about it. "Hm? Of course Maggie! Al, can you find the boy while I talk to my daughter's lovely girlfriend and hopefully my future daughter in law!" Lucifer said, as he was happy. "Of course Lu..." Alastor said before kissing his head, but he was still a bit weary of Joseph/Seffy.

Alastor soon left as Lucifer went to go walk with Vaggie.


As Lucifer walked with Vaggie, he noticed that she looked nervous about something. "Maggie? What's wrong?" Lucifer asked her, he still didn't get her name right. "Sir... Erm.... What are good places for me to uh.. propose....?" Vaggie asked very nervously. Lucifer then brightened up as he gave the most wholesome face to Vaggie as he squealed with excitement.

"You wanna propose to Charlie?! Yes!!! I WAS WAITING FOR THISSS!!" Lucifer said as he jumps up and down with excitement. "Shh..! And yeah I do..." Vaggie blushes gold of embarrassment. "Aww!! I'll help you out the best I can Maggie!" Lucifer said before talking to her about wedding plans.


Later, down in the lobby a knock was heard as Charlie went to open it and saw a sinner who had succubus details but is still a sinner.

"Hello! And you are?" Charlie asked with a smile on her face. "Helen, Helen Harrison! I am here to uh.... Redeem myself...!" Helen said as she lied, Charlie didn't notice but she was happy to have more patrons. "Welcome! Come on in!" Charlie said before she started to yap about the hotel.


After a while, Helen was finally free then she spotted William before running up to him and gave him a hug.... Trying to manipulate him....

"Oh William! I missed you so much!" Helen said in a manipulative tone. "..... Get the fuck off me, no you don't bitch, don't act like you loved me either" William said before kindly pushing her away, Charles then gave Helen a glare before clinging onto William.

"Back off... He is mine now and I treat him right compared to you...." Charles said as he glares at Helen. "The fuck? Haha, William can't be gay silly!" Helen said as she laughed.

"Actually yes, well bisexual and I love him more than you" William said before crossing his arms.

Helen just stared at him in shock, she then became angry as she wanted to control him again. (She is William's ex-wife)

To be continued!!!

Oh I love cliffhangers! Also sorry for the slow update, motivation is dying on me lately so apologies for not updating really!!😭🙏 Hopefully you guys enjoyed this even though it's short!

Eat up guys!!

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