Chapter 14

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It was the next day, Alastor was the first to wake up before Lucifer, he just smiled softly at Lucifer before nuzzling his head to Lucifer's head, he then eventually gently kissed Lucifer's head. Alastor chuckled for a bit, he never expected to actually love someone but he does now, and it was the King of Hell himself.

Now he understands why Lilith left Adam for Lucifer those eons ago. The King of Hell was pretty irresistible after all. Alastor noticed something in a small trashcan near the bed, he saw Lucifer's wedding ring from Lilith. He really did get over her, which made Alastor relieved to know.

But one thing he was wondering about.....

What would his mother think of Alastor if she ever found out about him being in a relationship with the King of Hell himself?

He shouldn't worry, he thinks since his mother was obviously in heaven since she never did any bad when she was alive. But he can't help but think about how she would feel about this. He just sat up and hugged his legs as his ears drooped down.

Lucifer woke up and noticed Alastor. "Al.... Are you ok?" Lucifer asked as he made his way towards Alastor rubbing his back.

"I... It's nothing Lu...." Alastor lied as he didn't know if he should talk about his mother to him. "Al..... You can tell me anything.... You know that right...?" Lucifer said as he gave Alastor a hug, Alastor then started to break down and hugged Lucifer back. "It's just.... I was thinking of how my mother would think of me....." Alastor then sighs as he said that. "Your mom...? Maybe we could ask her if she's somewhere in Pentagram Cit—" Lucifer said just as Alastor shook his head.

"That would be no use.... She's most likely in heaven.... She never did anything bad at all.... So I doubt she'll be in hell...." Alastor said as he looked away. "Al.... I'm sure if she's this kind.... She would still accept you..... I don't know about you being murderous, she'll most likely be disappointed with that, but she would accept you for whoever you love..." Lucifer said as he put his head on Alastor's shoulders. Alastor smiled as he turned to Lucifer then he kissed his head. "I love you Lu.... Thank you..." Alastor said as he wraps his arm around Lucifer's waist. "Of course Al... Anytime!" Lucifer said as he hugs onto Alastor's arm then snuggles his arm.

As Alastor lifted Lucifer's chin to meet Alastor's eyes, they were about to kiss them the door was busted open as Cherri and Angel Dust just came in uninvited.

"Wassup lovebirds! No time to fuck! Let's go downstairs for breakfast!" Cherri said before leaving.

"Hehehehe!" Angel Dust said before leaving out following his bestie.

"Why do they assume we would do THAT?" Alastor asked, quite concerned. "I guess they assume so, just cause me and Lilith used to do it back when we were together, but I would never ever do that with you if you aren't comfortable with it, Al" Lucifer said with a soft smile.

"Thanks... Lu..." Alastor said, as he was quite hungry. "Yes Al?' Lucifer then said. "I'm feeling a bit bloodthirsty, may I take some of your blood? From your arm not your neck this time" Alastor said. "Why not the neck?" Lucifer asked before seeing Alastor giving him a face like "you know why".

"Oh yeah.... Haha.... I forgot about that...." Lucifer said nervously as he gave Alastor his arm. (Bl00d warning ⚠️) Alastor then grabs Lucifer's arm and bites it, he won't lie, he did miss the taste of Lucifer's blood, this damn cannibal. Lucifer still somehow ends up blushing by Alastor casually biting his arm and probably drinking his blood. He just became flustered before looking away and stayed silent so Alastor wouldn't think he was weird again like last time.

But Lucifer realized something.... That he might be a masochist if he really enjoys this..?

After Alastor was done, he licks his lips. "That was delicious~" Alastor said with a smile as he just went back to hugging Lucifer wholesomely like he didn't just bite Lucifer's arm. "Of course you would like it you cannibal" Lucifer said with a nervous smile as he hugged him back. Sometimes he wonders why he likes Alastor this much but sometimes he just doesn't care and continues to love him, he may be a cannibal but that's Lucifer's cannibal.

Lucifer then noticed Alastor's little tail as he stared at in awe. "Aww! You have a little tail Al?!" Lucifer looked at Alastor with sparkles in his eyes. Alastor flushed red before grabbing a pillow and put it over his little tail. "N-no!" Alastor said, still red face and all. Lucifer chuckled then said, "I think it's cute you have a tail" "well it makes me look soft so I prefer to have it hidden" Alastor said still hiding his tail. "Aw I guess Bambi is really trying to stay tuff, aren't you?~" Lucifer teased Alastor as he decided to pet Alastor's head then his ears. Alastor flinched by the sudden touch but he just let it be as it made him feel warm in his chest, then his little tail wags. Lucifer then gives Alastor a passionate kiss for a bit before they get up and get changed into their normal everyday clothes.


When they got down, they were holding hands, they went to the dining hall and Angel gave them a look.

"You guys fucked?" Angel obviously teased thinking it was hilarious but Lucifer and Alastor didn't think so.

"I swear if you dare say that again..... I'll tear you apart limb by limb and I will cook them, eat them, and make you watch it all, understand?" Alastor said as his face darkened and radio dials in his eyes were showing.

Lucifer stared at Alastor's creepiness as he blushed finding this really attractive to him as he bit his lip, he wanted Alastor to do that to him now as he blushes at the fantasy of it.

"Holy shit.... Ok, then... Fuck calm down, I was joking-" Angel Dust said now afraid of Alastor.

'"Now you see why I'm afraid of his ass, right Angel?" Husk said as he rolled his eyes. "I see what you mean now Husky..." Angel nodded.

"Hehe! Alastor is such a baadddd boy!~" Niffty laughs maniacally as she said that.

"I... Jesus Christ Niffty chill-" Angel said as he looked at Niffty as she was still laughing and looking crazy as usual.

Adam was far off the other side of the table also trying to get away from Niffty before he dies again by her.

Charlie came to the dining hall and served everyone breakfast.

"Here you go everyone!" Charlie then saw Lucifer and Alastor. "Oh hi dads!" Charlie smiled as she said that and decided to give them both a hug. Lucifer then hugs his daughter back, he was glad his daughter was very accepting of this. Alastor then awkwardly hugs back, since the last time he ever had a family was when he was taking care of his mother before she died.

Niffty went up to them and jumped, Alastor saw Niffty as he smiled softly. "Come on in Niffty!" Alastor said to Niffty, he did see her as a daughter of his own despite her being an adult woman, he still saw her as a child. Niffty then hugs both Lucifer and Alastor.

"Hehe... Bad boys...~" Niffty said since Lucifer was basically the King of Hell and Alastor is just Alastor.

Someone snuck in the hotel.... But who was it exactly?

To be continued!

I'll let you guys guess who snuck in! Good luck!

Also I just got another idea for another Radioapple book, like an au type of book. Should I post the first chapter to tell you guys about it? Let me know!

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