Chapter 48: Meant to be yours... (Radiosilence)

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Here's some one-sided radiostatic aka Radiosilence! Eheheehehehe enjoy! Yes Vox is back! Also the video above actually gave me a bit of motivation to continue this! I promise to add more Radioapple as makeup soon!!!

Vox then went into his monitor room as he decided to watch the hotel some more, he saw Vaggie getting ready as she looked at something but he didn't care about her, instead he was watching from a window... And saw Alastor and Lucifer being so lovey dovey.

"That fucker.... HE THINKS HE COULD THROW ME OUT LIKE THAT?! THAT OLD TIMEY PRICK! HA... HAHAHAHAHAHA.... I HAVE SOMETHING PLANNED FOR YOU!" Vox said, as he was obsessed with Alastor once again.

{Song starts}

Vox: "You chucked me out like I was trash..." As Vox said this, he immediately smashed his fists onto the table. "For that, you should be dead.... But, but, but-" Vox smirked before standing up and turned away.

Vox then thought of an evil plan....

Vox: "Then it hit me like a flash! What if the hotel went away instead!" He then clenched his fist like he was crushing the hotel.

Valentino and Velvette were in the other room as they heard Vox rambling again.

Vox: "Those assholes are the key!! They're keeping you away from me!" As Vox saw Alastor kissing Lucifer on his monitor, despite it looking glitchy, he then punched his monitor out of anger.

Vox: "They made you blind, messed up your mind!! But I can set you free!~" He then pretended to see Alastor in front of him as he put his hand on the imaginary Alastor's cheek.

Vox: "You left me and I fell apart.... I punched the wall and cried... BAM! BAM! BAM!"

Then a flashback of their battle was on his mind before he punched the wall in anger.

Vox: Then I found you changed my heart.... And set loose all this truthful shit inside! And so I built a bomb! Tonight the hotel is Vietnam!! Let's guarantee, they'll never see their redemption!!"

Then Vox went back to lovey dovey mode.

Vox: "I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one!! Don't give up on me now!! Finish what we've begun!!"

{Song ends!}

Velvette and Valentino were by the door and just gave him a look.

"Vox, what the fuck?! First you were humping that body pillow of that deer and now this?! Y'know what, I'm hanging out with Angeline instead!" Velvette said before flipping off Vox and leaves.

"Voxxy? Seriously?" Valentino said before rolling his eyes, feeling a bit jealous.

"..... I'm getting this plan ready.... I don't give a fuck anymore.... I will show how much he means to me once and for all!" Vox said as he then left.

Valentino then looked to the side before going to his room, then sighing.

"Why can't he move on?!" Valentino said angrily, he then saw the Alastor cosplay that Vox would always make him wear before grabbing it and ripping it apart, he then started to cry?? Holy shit he's actually crying???? Since when does he cry???

To be continued!!!

Enjoy the random ass motivation I suddenly got! Enjoy! I will add more Radioapple as soon as I will makeup for it!! I just had to add a bit of Radiosilence in here, ehehe and some VoxVal angst?! Oh my🫢

Eat up!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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