Chapter 38

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Last one didn't count since it was a April Fools chapter. So here! Also this leaves off from Chapter 37!


John then struggled to get free. "The fuck is this shit?! You didn't say anything about me being on some leash!!" John said in an angered tone.

"Oh but sweetie! This is hell, what else did you expect?" Lilith said as she laughed.


"Well I have a plan.... You get yourself back into that hotel... Convince my daughter that you are trying to "redeem" yourself.... She should believe you, knowing her kind nature to help others.... And I want you to stab Alastor with this when no one is watching... And when he has his guard down.... Got it?" Lilith said as she gave John an angelic knife.

"Hm... Sure, I did want that disgusting son of mine gone anyways...." John said as he took the knife accepting this before leaving.


Meanwhile back with Alastor, he was already preparing his proposal idea for Lucifer. He wanted everything to be perfect for it, especially for Lucifer. (I have one in mind, the comment with the most likes has been picked, for now I'll keep it a surprise until then)

Alastor then heard a knock on the door, thinking it was nothing but Charlie went to it as she was extremely excited that it might be a new guest as she opened the door.

"Hello- Ah! Oh Uhm... Didn't you break into the hotel awhile back?" Charlie said as she recognized the sinner in front of her.

"My apologies princess.... I just wanted to say that I wanted to redeem myself! If that's alright?" John lied as he put on an act.

"Oh that's great..! But uh.... Alastor doesn't seem to like you really.... He hasn't told me why, I think my dad would probably know the reason for that...! I just don't know why he hates you but I think it's best to keep you away from him...." Charlie then said.

"My bad... I just wanted to fix my mistakes with him if so...?" John said as he continues to lie, so he could get Charlie's trust.

"Wait really?!" Charlie said as she got excited that she immediately jumped up and down. "That's perfect! Come now!" Charlie then drags him in as she then starts to go find Alastor while doing so.

Alastor then overheard from the TV when passing by that Vox would be at a certain place as he chuckled and thought of proposing to Lucifer in front of Vox to piss him off.

Then he saw Charlie and noticed that she had someone behind her which he couldn't notice at first.

"Hm? Yes Charlie dear, is something wrong?" Alastor said as he tilted his head.

"Actually Alastor!! Soo, you know that guy who broke into the hotel awhile back?"

".... Yes... I know him.... Don't tell me he is behind you?" Alastor said as his eye twitched in annoyance.

"Yeah actually...! Which is a perfect lesson for you two to make up and move on! And turns out, he does want to redeem himself!!" Charlie said with a smile as she pulled John in front of her. "Now say sor-"

"Ha! This is a joke, right?" Alastor said as he laughed.

"He actually wants to change, so give him a chance? Please?" Charlie said as she pleaded.

"No, nuh up! Not happening! Someone like him will NEVER change...." Alastor said as he snarled at John.

"Why do you think that?? This hotel brings hope that everyone even the most awful person could change for the better! So please?" Charlie said as she was giving puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine, but I'm not dealing with him since I already had plans for tonight" Alastor said as he rolled his eyes before walking away. He then asked Lucifer out on a date, he didn't say what it was about, but he told him to wear something nice.


Later at nighttime, Lucifer was hyperventilating a bit wondering what he should wear.

"Nononono! It has to be perfect! I need to impress him! Hmm.. no not that one.... Not my duck themed clothes! Ugh! This is so hard!" Lucifer said as he was looking at his clothes before walking back and forth throughout his room.

Then he saw something he hasn't worn since his first date with Lilith as he was saddened by the memory, he was still upset with her, he then thought of something as he took the suit and decided to add some new changes to it so it wouldn't be a Lilith memory anymore. And redid it to more of Alastor's liking, 1920s style since Alastor has told him of his time back in the 1920s.

Once he was finished, he then put on the suit with his magic, afterwards he grabs a small box wondering if he should or not but still brought it anyways, then teleported down to the lobby as he saw Alastor in a much nicer suit, it was still red but it wasn't ripped.

"Hey Al, so where are we going?" Lucifer asked as he noticed Alastor staring at him for a while, admiring Lucifer and the suit he was wearing. Lucifer then made a goofy smile. "You like what you see, hmm?~"

Alastor blushed before looking away as his face was red, his ears even went down as he was embarrassed. "Yes I do... You just look wonderful my deer~" Alastor said before going to Lucifer as he bends down to Lucifer's level and kisses his cheek.

Adam then came passing by them as he wanted to tell Lucifer something.

"Hey Lucifer! Guess what bitch?"

"Ugh what now Adam?" Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes.

"So for the past 7 years... Lilith was in fucking heaven and me and her fucked during the past 6 months before extermination day!" Adam said loud and proud.

"Wow, just wow- I would have felt hurt hearing that if I was still in my missing Lilith state but now.... I just don't care now- just disappointed in her, especially about going to heaven which I fell from. Anyways, let's go Al!" Lucifer said as he grabs Alastor's arm before walking out of the hotel.

"So Al, where are we going?" Lucifer asked as he looked up at Alastor.

"Oh! I know the perfect place Lu!~" Alastor said before booping Lucifer's non-existent nose as he teleported them both to a place.

To be continued!!

I'll reveal the date place in the next chapter! Now eat up this chapter for now!

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