Chapter 39

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Once they made it to their date place, it was at LuLu World as Lucifer looked and saw it was his own amusement park which he tears up with joy.

"Aww! You're taking me to my amusement park, ey Bambi?" Lucifer said as he smiled then sticks out his snake-like tongue at him.

"Yeah of course! But I wanted to take you to a specific spot here first my deer!~" Alastor said as he nuzzles his nose to Lucifer's non-existent nose before heading towards the Ferris wheel, then he purposely passes by Vox and Valentino so they could follow.

Vox then pulled Valentino and followed Alastor to the Ferris wheel, Alastor and Lucifer then went on it, Vox and Valentino went on the next one.

Alastor sat down by Lucifer as he wrapped his arm around him as he waited for the Ferris wheel to stop at the top for the perfect moment to propose.

Once they were at the top, the red sunset was shown before them as Alastor was saving the moment before he starts his proposal.

Lucifer then stood up and looked at the red sunset, even enjoying the view as Alastor stood beside him.

"Hey Uh Lu.... I wanted to tell you something..." Alastor said as he smiled with a genuine smile.

"Hm? Yeah? Actually... I have something to tell you as well...." Lucifer said as he became nervous, just as he said that, he immediately saw Alastor just kneeling down as he pulled out a little box. "A-Al..?!"

"Lucifer Morningstar..... You made me extremely happy and you were even the first person I had ever fallen in love with..... Will you marry me?" As Alastor said, that he then opened the small box and it revealed a golden ring with a red ruby on it. Lucifer then flushed red before he covered his face.

"Damnit...! You got to me first before I could..." Lucifer said as he stopped covering his face, then he went into his pocket and pulled out a small box as he opened it to reveal a golden ring with little duckies carved into it. "I was planning on proposing to you as well Al...."

"Aww~ So is that a yes, hm?~" Alastor said as he gave a teasing look on his face. "Yes..! Of course Al..!" Lucifer said with a smile as Alastor puts the ring on Lucifer's finger and Lucifer puts the ring he was going to give Alastor on his finger before they shared a passionate kiss afterwards. Vox then saw the whole thing from the other Ferris wheel cart as he got angry.

"Did they just got fucking get engaged?! Ugh!! What does that fucker have that I don't?!" Vox said as he got jealous as Valentino was comforting him.

"Voxxy poo, he just doesn't see what I see. You are fucking attractive Vox! Especially with that bright screen of yours~" Valentino said as he started flirting with Vox.

"Hm? Oh thanks Val~" Vox said as he quickly changed moods. "We are fucking tonight Val~"

"Oh my... Can't wait~ Also no Alastor outfit needed.... Right?" Valentino said, hoping he doesn't need to wear that.

"Hm... Nah not this time, I think I can deal with my sexy moth man for now~" Vox said before him and Valentino started making out just like in the finale.

After a while of Alastor's and Lucifer's date, they eventually head back to the hotel. Once they got in, they immediately noticed Margaret talking to someone in angel wings like she was catching up with someone. (If you read the recent chapters of my Margaret book then you know, if you haven't... Then why haven't you? For those who haven't read the book at all🫵 if you read it then you are fine and all caught up!👍)

"Hello Margaret my dear! What's going on?" Alastor then asked his good friend.

"Ah, hey Alastor! Everything is fine! Anyways, how did it go??" Margaret said as she was excited to hear how it went.

"Well.... Actually" Alastor said with a smile as he picked up Lucifer's arm to reveal the ring and even showed off the one Lucifer gave him as well.

"Aww!! Congratulations you two!" Margaret said as she clapped her hands together as she smiled.

"Hey Uncle Al..." The young boy who looked up at Alastor as his wings were down.

"Wait... William? What brings you here?" Alastor said, as he noticed how he looked a bit similar to his sister Barbara and Margaret.

"Long story Uncle Al.... But I'm glad to see you again...." William said as he smiled.

"It's a pleasure to see you again!" Alastor said as he smiled. "Anyways, me and Lu have a wedding to start planning!"

"I'm Happ for you two! Also if you need help with anything, I'm here!" Margaret then told Alastor and Lucifer as she smiled, happy to help in any way.

To be continued!

Sorry if this is shorter than usual, hopefully you still enjoy it either way! Eat up!

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