Chapter 19

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Alastor was just sitting on his bed just wondering what to do until Husk knocked on the door. Alastor sighs as he goes to open the door.

"Oh hello dear Husker!~ What brings you here?" Alastor said in a cheery tone.

"Well I came to ask you something important.... I remember that day Charlie's mother came, those months ago.... And I couldn't help but notice your expression on your face when you passed by her.... I was wondering.... Is she the one who has you on a leash?" Husk asked, he couldn't ask before since he was still afraid of him.

"..... Haha! You are being ridiculous Husker!~" Alastor said with slight annoyance while also keeping his happy tone in his voice as he pets Husk like he was a pet.

"Don't fucking treat me like a pet! Especially since you are a pet yourself! So was it Lilith who got you on a leash or not?!" Husk said as he let out a cat growl.

Alastor's eyes then turned into radio dials before he pulled on Husk on a green chain.

"What have I said to you before when you DARE to question me?!" Alastor said as he walked up to Husk menacing while wrapping the chain on his radio cane while the lights flickered.

'Shit....' Husk thought as he was on the ground before starting to tremble.

Angel was looking for Husk as he was walking around the hotel looking for him, he then went on the top floor and noticed the lights flickering.

"The fuck is going on with the ligh....-" Angel then overheard Alastor as he peeks over from the long hallway seeing Alastor and Husk.

"Do I have to keep reminding you that if you dare say that again.... I will tear your soul apart, and broadcast your screams for everyone else to hear.... You got that clear?" Alastor said as he got bigger in size and looked down at Husk.

"Understood...." Husk said as he still shivers with fear in his eyes.

"Lovely...~" Alastor then makes the chain disappears before playing some jazzy music to lighten the mood. "What a pleasant talk my good pal!~" Alastor said with a cheery tone in his voice again.

"AL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HUSK?!' Angel said as he got out of hiding to go to Husk who was still shivering with fear.

"Oh it was just a talk! Right Husker?~" Alastor said with a smile making sure Husk gets the hint.

".... Yeah a talk....." Husk said then looks to the side still trembling with fear.

"I just heard you threatening him you fucker!" Angel said as he decided to hug Husk while trying to soothe him to calm him down.

Lucifer then decided to come back up to his room to go make more ducks, then he noticed a trembling Husk, an angry Angel, then Alastor who was just smiling. He then went up to them.

"What's going on?" Lucifer asked looking at all three of them.

"Get your fucking boyfriend to calm the fuck down! I overheard him trying to threaten Husk over here!" Angel said as he was still holding Husk who was still trembling.

"Al.... You really did that..?" Lucifer asked, looking at Alastor concerned about his actions.

"Of course not! It was just a good chat! Right Husker?" Alastor then gave Husk a quick glare then he went back to his happy state.

"Y-yeah it was a chat...." Husk said as he got up. "Don't worry Angel... It was nothing..." Husk told Angel with a convincing smile. He then walked off.

"Husk.... Damnit! Don't believe smiles for a fucking minute just because you love him!" Angel told Lucifer before following Husk to go make sure he was ok.

"... Al... Tell me the truth.... Did you really threaten Husk....?" Lucifer said trying to get an answer out of him.

"..... Like I said I would never! Why would I do such a thing?~ Haha... You do believe me right Luci....?" Alastor said with a smile as he put his hand on Lucifer's cheek.

Lucifer blushes a bit but he gently grabs Alastor's hand and puts it down. "Al.... Angel usually doesn't get this riled up for nothing.... Now tell me the truth... Did you threatened Husk or not...?" Lucifer gave a stern look at Alastor.

".... Of course I didn't..... Please believe me Luci..." Alastor said as he holds Lucifer's hands.

Lucifer just looks to the side as he takes his hands away from him.

"Al.... I don't know.... I want to believe and trust you.... But after seeing Angel this angry which, he really isn't usually..... Al, I know you are new to this but trust is really important in a relationship.... I just want you to be honest... Until you feel like being honest with me.... Then I think we should take a break from each other until then...." Lucifer said as he walked to his room which was on the other side as Alastor just watched him walk away as his ears drooped down.

"Luci.... Please don't..." Alastor said before he went into his room before starting to tear up. 'damnit why must Angel come by at such an awful time! I know Husker wouldn't dare to snitch me out! But Angel had to come by and say something about this! But..... I just didn't want Husker to know about it... Or even him knowing that Lucifer helped me break my contract with her.... Cause if so, he would want my deal with him broken.... Which I can't have happening at all....' Alastor thought as he clenched his fist as he lay down on his bed looking at the ceiling.

He was already missing Lucifer as he curled up in a ball hugging his knees.

"Ffffuck.... I can't stand having a break from Luci...." Alastor said as tears finally fell from his face while he was still trying to keep up his smile, it was a weak smile.

Alastor couldn't bare to feel like this, he hated it as he just wanted to just take his heart out and throw it away.


Vox was with Val, in Val's bed since he blacked out. Vox ended up turning back on and saw Val just looking out the window while he smokes.

"Gah.... Fuck... What happe.... Wait..." As Vox said that, he then remembered what Alastor said on the radio.

"FUCK! HOW DARE THAT OLD TIMEY FUCKER SAY THAT LIVE ON HIS STUPID RADIO BROADCAST!" Vox said as he was pissed off at Alastor for that.

"... Is it true Vox?" Valentino said sounding jealous.

"Haha... Don't tell me you actually believe him, right?" Vox said as he got up and went to Valentino with a nervous smile.

"You DID sound pissed off when he said that.... And you literally black out when he said that...." Valentino said as he blows smoke around them.

"Haha.... That was the past Val..... Don't worry about it one bit....!" Vox said trying to convince Valentino otherwise.

"Do you still think about fucking him Vox?" Valentino said as his voice squeaks.

"Pardon me Val?" Vox said as he blushed.

"Do you still think about fucking him Vox?" Valentino said as he looks at Vox.

"Pfft! No-! Yes? Maybe? I MEAN NO OF COURSE NOT!" Vox said with a nervous laugh. "Besides I thought we do that already Val- right?"

"Yes but sometimes when you get drunk..... You said "Oh Alastor fuck me harder daddy" LIKE WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY THAT WHEN I'M FUCKING YOU?!" Valentino then said as he grabbed a vase nearby and threw it to a wall.

"Well to be fair... You called me by that slut's name when we fucked before so it's a win win!" Vox said as he crossed his arms.

"Guess that's fair... But at least it was one of my sex toys! And Alastor is supposed to be your fucking enemy!" Valentino then told Vox.

"Then next time make sure I don't fucking drink." Vox said as he rolled his eyes.

To be continued!

I'm starting to feel better, luckily! Hopefully you enjoyed the Radioapple angst, I had to add the angst I'm sorry.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

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