Chapter 31

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Once Alastor and Lucifer came back to the hotel, Margaret and Angel were talking to each other and they both realized they could relate by having a toxic relationship so they were bonding and becoming good friends.

Alastor was glad Margaret was feeling like home, he did care for her like his own daughter after all. Alastor then looked at Lucifer before giving him a kiss on his non-existent nose.

Adam was in him room thinking how to get laid with Margaret. Dude chill out and be patient for once. That is until he laid down on his bed and sighed.

"Am I really the dickmaster as before? I just wanted to fuck a girl that was fucking hot, guess not everything is not going to be that easy..." Adam mumbled then he looked out the window only to see an exterminator angel coming down as he wondered why one would be here since apparently the exterminations were cancelled.

Adam then sighs once again as he floats out of the window and goes closer to the angel until he sees it was Lute?? His own best friend who seems to be planning something.

"The fuck??" Adam said while looking at Lute as he got even closer.

Lute quickly turned around as she pointed her angelic spear with her one arm. "Back away, you demon abomination!" Lute said with a stone glare towards him as she somehow didn't recognize him.

"Holy shit! Lute! It's me your old buddy Adam!"

".... Shut up, you are lying! Adam is dead! I saw him get murdered in front of me! I'm not fucking dumb!" Lute said as she didn't believe this was Adam.

"....." Adam then gave her a look. "Oh well... Guess you don't believe me... Might as well go by my new name! And that name is Beetlejuice!" Adam said before teleporting away.

Adam was now elsewhere in the city, then he noticed Ricardo looking angry as he was trying to find Margaret and then Adam decided to ruin Ricardo's reputation by spreading everything about what Ricardo did to Margaret and then tell everyone that he is a cheater.

After he did so, everyone then started giving Ricardo looks that were either disgusted, judgmental, or even a shameful look to him. Ricardo took notice of this and was wondering why everyone was looking at him like this. Then that's when he noticed a shadowy figure in the shadows in front of him.

"The fuck?? Did you plan something?!" Ricardo called out to the mysterious figure.

Adam came out of the shadows then said, "Perhaps I did... Well I did say you were a cheater and told everyone what I witnessed what you did to that hot chick and now your own reputation is ruined! Just remember.... You don't FUCK with me the dickmaster!" As Adam said that he then laughs before disappearing. Leaving Ricardo alone only to be mocked by the other sinners.

Adam came into the hotel and noticed that Cherri was in the lobby as she was watching the news, she saw Adam and gave him the middle finger, she still hated him after all.

"Wassup babe"

"Shut the fuck up"

"Have you seen that hot babe Margaret around here?"

"The fuck you wanna know bitch?"

"I just wanted to see that hottie"

"The last time I saw her, she was talking to Angel and his boyfriend" Cherri said as she rolled her eyes annoyed with Adam.

Then Adam rushed to the bar and saw Margaret talking to Angel as they were making fun of their abusers.

"Heyo babe~" Adam then attempted to flirt with Margaret.

"Uh hey Beetlejuice?"

"PFFT, TELL ME I HEARD THAT WRONG-" Angel said as he was holding his laugh.

"That's my new name bitches, isn't it great?!"

"It sounds stupid" Husk said as Angel started to laugh.

"Well this guy claims to be THE Adam, which is impossible considering he died" Margaret said as she took a sip from her whiskey.

"Uhm actually that is Adam" Angel then confirmed as Margaret spits out her whiskey.

"So he was ACTUALLY telling the truth?!" Margaret said as she looked at Adam.

"The one and only baby~" Adam says as he pointed to his dick. (Adam please stop you are embarrassing yourself....💀🙏)

"Gross stop, even I don't want to fuck you. Also yes sadly it's true. I don't understand how he came back from the dead. Then again if Sur Pentious was, guess the annoying bitch gets to as well" Angel said as he gave Adam a disgusted look.

"I see.... That explains a lot actually...." Margaret then said.

"Also! Babe, I exposed that fucker throughout hell and now he's hated!" Adam said as he put his arm around Margaret.

"Well at least he is hated also please don't put your arm around me-"

"Why not?~"

Margaret then bites Adam's hand that was around her and Adam quickly grabs his arm as he falls back.

"Fuck! Whhyyy?" Adam said with the sad hamster face while a violin was heard in the background.

"I don't like being touched really"

"Aw man"

"You look fucking pathetic!" Angel said to Adam as he laughed.


Meanwhile with Alastor and Lucifer, they were helping Charlie with whatever she needed.

"Hey Dad?" Charlie said as she noticed Lucifer's neck.

"Yes my little apple seed!" Lucifer said with a smile.

"What's that on your neck???" Charlie asked as she pointed to her neck.

Lucifer got flustered as he remembered that the bite mark didn't heal yet.

"Uh.... It's nothing..! I swear..!" Lucifer said as he panicked as he covered it with his hand.

"Hm..." Charlie said as she was in thought.

To be continued!

Sorry for it being short! And for the cliffhanger!

Hopefully you enjoyed it still!

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