Chapter 36

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After the sins had their meetings, Mammon started to fight with Satan as he was cursing him out which Lucifer got pissed off and broke the two from fighting.

"Ok, that's enough... Jeez..." Lucifer said as he got a phone call from his father as he jumps a bit and is afraid to answer.

"Hm? You can go answer it Lucifer, the meeting was about done anyways" Asmodeous then said as Lucifer nodded then headed out of the room as he was a bit nervous about answering his father's calls since his dad hasn't talked to him in so many eons. Lucifer then took a breath and answered as he smiled nervously.

"Ah..! HEY FATH.. UH HEY BIIITTCHHH...!" Lucifer said in a nervous tone in his voice.

"Ah, Lucifer my boy! It's been awhile since we saw each other! I was wondering if perhaps.... Well if you would want to visit me and your older brothers for a meeting? Mainly because Sera might be planning something behind my back lately... Not sure what but I can feel it...." God then says.

"Uh father..? Didn't you get the news..? I can't go y'know? Since Uhm well.... I'm fallen-" Lucifer said as he bit his lip from being nervous.

"Yes Micheal explained to me the reason, but I'll allow you to come just for this only, alright my son? See you as soon as I call you again for the meeting! Bye my son!" God said as he hangs up the phone.

Lucifer just stood there in shock as he stared at the wall, he didn't understand why after so many eons, why now would his father want to see him? And for some strange meeting? This was definitely odd. The sins were already leaving, Alastor walked out of the meeting room and went to Lucifer.

"Luci? Are you doing ok?" Alastor asked Lucifer as he noticed how Lucifer looked like.

"Ah.... I honestly don't know Al.... My father suddenly calls me after so many years.... It's just complicated.... Shit.... He is probably going to question why I'm not with Lilith anymore!!" Lucifer said as he was panicking.

"Lu... Calm down, I'm sure everything is going to be ok..!" Alastor said as he brought Lucifer into a hug to have him feel better. Lucifer smiled softly, feeling a bit better as he hugged Alastor back. Alastor then kissed his forehead as him and Lucifer decided to head off back to the Pride Ring and to the hotel.


Once they got back to the hotel, they noticed Charlie in the middle between Margaret and Adam, Charlie was tired as Adam was hiding behind Charlie. Margaret on the other hand was getting angry at Adam now.

"Uh, pardon me, but what exactly is going on right now??" Alastor then asked, as him and Lucifer came up to them.

"Adam probably did something and Margaret got angry at him-" Charlie said as she sighs.

"I didn't do shit believe meeee!! I'm just the dickmaster!!" Adam said as he was still hiding.

"Adam, stop the cap! You tried to touch my breasts again, and when I went to go change in my room you decided to peek inside my room to watch me change!!! What the fuck!!" Margaret said as she was clearly pissed off.

"Haha.... I was curious to see that body~" Adam said as he was being well... Adam.

"Adam! That's not redemption! Yeah, no fucking way you are seriously going to heaven, especially by this attitude" Charlie said as she rolled her eyes as she noticed Alastor wanting to kill Adam.

"Adam.... You did WHAT?" Alastor said as he was being a father figure to Margaret as his antlers grew and radio dials in his eyes were shown, Lucifer didn't stop him since he found this hot. (Ha you masochist Lucifer!🫵)

"Jeez, chill the fuck out, why are you acting like a dad to her?? You aren't her actual father-" Adam said as he nervously smiled.

"Well her dad was a literal piece of shit, back when he was alive... So I might as well replace her so-called father" Alastor said as he was about to go to him but Charlie blocks Alastor.

"Alastor... I think you really shouldn't attack the guest even though we hate him.... He is under the hotel's roof so let's not kill somebody, please?" Charlie nervously said, sure she hated him but she refused to use violence even on him.

"... Fine Charlie.... But I swear if he does that again.... I will devour him...." Alastor said in a threatening tone. Lucifer was blushing as Alastor said that as he was trying to keep his intrusive thoughts in but failed....

"... Devour me please daddy~" Lucifer said as he let his intrusive thoughts win. (HELP I DIED OF LAUGHTER WRITING THIS HELP 😭)

Alastor just stood there having an asexual panic not knowing how to react to Lucifer's words.

"... Excuse me, did I hear that right Lu...?" Alastor asked not sure how to respond to this either.

"Uh... Dad.... What the fuck...." Charlie said, as she was uncomfortable now. Margaret was feeling uncomfortable now as she says, "y'know what.... A glass of whiskey doesn't sound so bad now..! I'm getting some right away....-" Margaret laughed nervously since this was awkward as she went to the bar and saw Angel, Cherri, and Husk there.


"Uh, what did I say?" Lucifer said, as he acted dumb again.

"... Luci I love you and all.... But please don't ever say that ever again...." Alastor said in an awkward tone.

"Uh... I'll try???" Lucifer said as he smiled nervously before his face was getting flustered as it was obvious since the golden blush on his cheeks were shown.

"Please do.... I'm serious please Lu..."

"Ok, ok I will try to keep my thoughts to myself...."

"LUCIFER YOU FUCKING KINKY AS FUCK-" Adam said as he was still laughing.

"Shut the fuck up Adam!" Lucifer snarled at him.

To be continued!!

Sorry that it's kinda short, but hopefully you guys still enjoy it anyways! Now eat this story up if you like it!

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