Chapter 5

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Lucifer just stood there looking at Lilith before tearing up, he did miss her yes, but he was still hurt she separated from him and took Charlie with her when she was just a child. He needed to know where she was even at. Lilith turned to see him then said, "Oh hey Lucifer.... Is Charlie here?"

Lucifer looked at her for a moment before looking away then he said, "She went out on a vacation with her girlfriend.... So you have to wait until she comes back...." "I see.... I'll just stay at the palace for now until she comes back because I need to talk to her abou—" "Lilith....? Where were you...?" Lucifer then asked as she just looked at him staying silent for a while. "..... I was just away for a few years that's all...." Lilith said as she didn't say where she was at, the whole time. "For 7 years?! I get that we separated, but I believe Charlie would want to see you but from what she told me, you didn't answer her calls when she needed you and you didn't bother to show up at all!" Lucifer told her as Cherri slowly walks away from this scene, heading off to her room.

Lilith then noticed a bit of blood on Lucifer's neck then asked, "Uhm... What's with the blood on your neck?" Lucifer noticed as he quickly wiped it away then lied, "I might have accidentally harmed myself during my duties." "Like what? Making ducks?" Lilith said half joking but at the same time genuine confused on how he harmed himself like that.

"Also It's none of your business of where I was, besides I'm here now..." Lilith said trying to convince him. As Alastor was going into the main hall he spotted Cherri walking away looking pretty awkward. "Hello my dear! What's with the face?" Alastor asked. "Well creepy face, the Queen of Hell is back and uh... I guess an argument between the king and queen is happening so bye!" Cherri said as she stormed off leaving Alastor with a troublesome expression.

He didn't like Lilith one bit, sure he definitely hates Lucifer but if there's a person he hated more than the King of Hell himself, it was Lilith. The reason being is that Lilith actually tricked him into making a deal with him, when she said she'll give him more power but instead she lied and made him a slave for her. The radio demon made static noises out of anger, he wasn't in the mood to see Lilith so he turned around to go back to his room before she could notice Alastor was there.

But to his luck, it was too late and she felt his presence nearby. "Pardon me Lucifer.... But I feel like some pest is here...." Lilith said as she was heading towards Alastor's direction. "Huh wait wha...?" Lucifer asked confused before following her out of curiosity that's when he noticed Alastor heading towards the elevator. "Alastor?" Lucifer called out making Alastor twitch his little ear in annoyance.

"I'm busy..." Alastor then said in an angered tone before feeling Lilith's glare on him as he snarled. "I just need to rest now leave me alone" Alastor said still in an angered tone before heading to the elevator and going up to his room. Lucifer knew something was up with Alastor, maybe it was what Alastor said when he was wasted.... He really needed to question him as soon as Alastor cools down.

Lilith sighs then goes up to Lucifer then says, "Well just saying what my business is my business, just leave that to me, also call me when Charlie gets back because I really need to speak to her, for now... I feel like sticking around for a bit then I'll leave." Once she said that she went to the elevator to go find Alastor's room to go talk to him.

Lucifer wanted to know what was going on with Alastor so he decided to go to the elevator but seeing how Lilith already went in there before him, he had to wait for it to come back down.


Once Lilith was on the top floor since she remembered seeing a radio tower on the top floor she assumed that was Alastor's as she went towards Alastor's door which looked like something from the 1920s, she didn't knock but instead invited herself in.

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