Chapter 17

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After awhile, of them snuggling each other, Alastor noticed it was an overlord meeting today as he got up, noticed how Lucifer just fell asleep as he kissed Lucifer's head, wrote a note so when Lucifer wakes up he would know where Alastor went.

So, when Alastor left the hotel, he headed to town then went to the overlord meeting building. Once he was in, he took a seat with the other overlords and sat next to his friend Rosie who was giving him a look asking if everything went well at the party with Lucifer.

Vox was there with the other Vees as he glared at Alastor with hatred as usual. Alastor noticed as he rolled his eyes at Vox.

Then Carmilla Carmine walked in with her daughters while they sat down near her, while she stands.

"So the reason I called for this meeting is because since the last extermination, and since it was cancelled the rising of sinners are still rising when each one dies... Well good for them now not getting executed by those angels anymore but we are still having a population issue here in the Pride Ring... Any suggestions for that?" Carmilla then said looking at the other overlords.

"They can all just live in my sex dungeon~" Valentino then suggested, while everyone else not including the other two Vees shook their heads.

"Not everyone enjoys those disgusting acts unlike you" Alastor said in a disgusted tone.

"Oh so sex isn't your thing but fucking romance is?!" Vox then scolded Alastor.

"Whatever do you mean?" Alastor asked to keep up his act.

"The fuck you mean old-timey prick?! One of my drones caught you and the King of Hell smooching on the balcony that one night!" Vox said, as he smirked at Alastor.

Alastor then twitched his eye, he was pissed off Vox would go into his private life.

"I would never! There's no way I would do such a thing!" Alastor said trying to convince the others otherwise.

Rosie noticed Alastor then she knew she had to help him out since he may not want the other overlords to know.

"Exactly, mind if I remind you that he is an ace in the hole so he wouldn't!" Rosie said helping out her friend.

"A what now? I seriously don't know what that term means" Alastor said with confusion in his voice.

"Well except Alastor doesn't know what it means since it wasn't around during his time and well he refused to learn more about the modern society." Rosie then said.

"Of fucking course you would deny it and have that cannibal friend of yours to defend you, that's why I got the perfect evidence against you...-" Vox said as he was about to take out a picture before hearing Zestial sipping on his tea very loudly.

"Pardon me, but I do believe we need to talk about the main reason we are here, correct?" Zestial then said as he gently put his tea down.

"Oh shut up fossil! This was getting fucking good!" Velvet said as she held her phone out.

"But Zestial has a point y'know?" Alastor said giving Vox a glare.

"Well I don't fucking care about that! I will fucking expose you Alastor! Even if I have to put this down immediately!" Vox said as he held up the photograph just as Alastor noticed he snarled at him before his tentacles immediately grabbed the photograph and now he had it in his hand, he immediately burned it with his hand as he glared at Vox.

"See?! If he didn't need to hide anything he wouldn't have done that shit!!" Vox said as he pointed at Alastor.

"Nonsense, it's because you are pathetically annoying!" Alastor said with a smirk. "Besides we need to get to business anyways!~"

"Alastor is right, no time to mess around with some weird rumor Vox is trying to spread, we need to do something with our over population in hell, mainly the Pride Ring." Carmilla said then sighs. "Does anyone have any bright ideas?"

"Actually may I speak? I actually have one that is useful unlike those Vees" Alastor said as Vox rolls his eyes.

"Yes Alastor?" Carmilla then said looking at him along with the other overlords.

"Perhaps I could talk to dear Charlie about her to talk to her father about letting sinners go to the other rings of Hell, not just the Pride Ring?" Alastor then suggested.

"Sounds like a good plan.... But I'm not so sure the King of Hell would listen to his daughter... She does have that weird fantasy of having sinners join her hotel for redemption which sounds ridiculous to say at least..." Carmilla said with some thought into it.

"Oh trust me! He is extremely clingy to his daughter so he would do anything for her! Haha!" Alastor said with a laugh at the end.

"Well next meeting you let me know if it works, alright Alastor?" Carmilla said with a stern professional look on her face.

"Of course!" Alastor said with a smile on his face.

"More like you would tell him yourself fucking bitch" Vox then mumbled quietly to himself, then he thought of exposing him on live television, since he still had it saved on his recordings.

"This is dismissed until next time" Carmilla said before walking off to her work room with her daughters.

Alastor then left with Rosie before giving Vox a side glare as he walked out.

Vox then got up and pulled both Valentino and Velvet to the side and waited for every other overlord to leave.

"Guys.... It's time for television~" Vox snickered before heading off back home with the other Vees.

To be continued!

Also I may not update much due to my homework from college, maybe after I get my homework done during the week, and when I have time then I will update, until then, please be patient until then! College comes first before this, I'm sorry, same with my other Radioapple story. Just stay patient until I'm free please!

But I thank you all so much for enjoying this book btw!

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