Chapter 3

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The wind howls and the rain pours. I don't know why I chose today to go for a walk in the woods. It's been three weeks since my home was trashed, I still fear leaving my mum on her own but I need my space.

The night is silent and the moon is nearly full, the forest gives me Deja Vu. I feel eyes all around me, I wonder if this forest has wolves; it shouldn't.

I shrug, the walk is simple and nice but in the dark it's creepy. I used to come here whenever I needed space or I was upset.

The creatures don't judge you like people do, it's nice.

I slowly walk around the up rooted tree. It's my favourite place to sit and watch the world go by.

I sit, the moss around the tree is wet. It must have rained. After a while, the shadows come alive. My heart beat increases as I hear shuffling.

I hear a growl, just like my dream I think to myself.

I feel myself stiffen when I see the glow of golden eyes. black fur surrounds the eyes and I know it's the wolf from my dream.

I jump up, not knowing if the wolf will attack. It just stares at me, looking deep into my soul.

I turn, the shadows follow as I take a step back from the wolf. The wolf regards me before walking towards me.

My phone suddenly goes crazy with texts, I ignore them as I start to run.

The wolf gives chase and I find myself running hard and fast to try to outrun a wolf.

I jump over the little stream and down a hill, the wolf gains on me and my heart rate increases.

I'm scared out if my mind, the forest blurs together as I try to escape. I don't think I'll make it and that scares me even more.

I jump down a little wall, my foot gets caught in a tree root and I go flying. I fall with a thud.

I try to get up but my legs broken, I hear the wolf right behind me and I let out a scream of fear.

So this is how the dream ends, the wolf does eat me after all I think to myself.

The wolf snarls, I turn around just in time to see the wolf leap at me. I put my arms up so it won't bite my face.

The wolf latches onto my arm and I scream, the pain is unreal.I scream as the wolf pulls away, taking a chunk of my arm with it.

"Please don't kill me" I say meekly.

The wolf stops and studies me, I just watch it. It stares at me and I hope it will just go away.The wolf nods then disappears, leaving me alone in this deep dark woods.

My mind reels, what are my family and friend going to do without me. Why was I so stupid and how will I get back home.

The shadows surround me, making me fear for my life. My arm bleeds heavily and my mind goes fuzzy.The darkness scares me the most and I hope someone finds me.

I'm in and out of sleep for about two days. my blood has dried and is starting to flake off.My phone is flat and I wish I had Tasha with me. Then I realize what is killing people; the wolf.

All of a sudden I see a a person, running towards me. I struggle to sit up so they can see me, the light from the day is falling to darkness. 

"Ellie?" The person says once he sees me. 

"Yeah" I choke out.

"Oh my god, it's okay you'll be fine" The mysterious boy says as he picks me up.

I feel myself being swayed, my heart beat drops from blood loss and I hear the boy growl. The forest is completely dark and I wonder how he can see.

The animals come alive, I can hear them all. My mind tells me that I should not be able to hear any animals, I can also smell them. That's strange I think to myself.

I hear a lone howl and I shiver, I know it's the black wolf who bit me. I feel the boy who is carrying me, tense.

I groan as he begins to run, my body gives out and I can only just hear my own thoughts. They tell me to run and get as far away from here as I can. I wish I reply to the thought.

"It's ok, don't listen to the thoughts just yet" I hear the boy say. 

I shiver as his voice stops the thoughts, even stranger I think to myself. My hearing becomes like static and I cringe, I hate not being able to hear.

My eyes are blurry and my ears have gone, what next. Just as I think that my eyes go completely, I yelp and start to fight my hero. I don't know what's happening and I'm scared, he tries everything to calm me down. The only thing that works is when he sings, his voice soothes me and I find myself drifting off. Even though I can't hear the words, I can hear the tones and they are beautiful.

 He whispers something in my ear but I don't know what. I sigh and a sob works it's way out of my body, I don't know what happened but soon after that I'm having a full blown panic attack and crying fit. 

I hate myself for showing him my weakness, any girl would shame me for it. But any girl in my shoes would be the same as me, the reason is terror.

I feel myself placed carefully on a bed, someone runs their hands along my body. I panic but someone else holds me down. 

"Get off!" I say, I don't think they heard me though as my words were slurred.

I feel pressure on my arm and I cry out, I know I'm about to die but I didn't know death would hurt this much. 

I think about my life, I should've done more for mum after dad died. I should've been more of a friend to Tasha and I should've said yes to the pretty boy in my year. 

My body gives out and I'm left to meet death, Or so I thought?


Thank you for reading, I hope you are liking my new book so far.

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love and peace

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