Chapter 7

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I sigh into Dray, he's been here with me for two days. I feel storm calling to me but I ignore her, I don't really get being a werewolf but I'm not going to argue; I don't have the will power.

I yawn and shiver as I actually feel the moon raising, I guess I don't have something up with me. I shiver again and Dray gently shakes me.

"It's going to be alright, I'm with you all the way" He says.

I feel him let go of me, he starts taking his clothes off and I blush. I giggle as he does, I stare at his naked form and I see him smile.I hear his bones crack and I see black fur appear all around his body, I shiver as I watch him. 

"I'm still here, Don't fight it!" He says before exploding into a giant black wolf.

I gasp as pain radiates through my body, pain makes me double over and I cry out as my bones start to pop and crack. Bright white fur sprouts along my body and my ears move higher up my head and become pointed.

I yell, it turns into a growl and Dray bumps me to make sure I'm okay.

I shake once I'm in my new wolf form, I hear my wolf; Storm. She tells us to run and never look back, I guess she has the same thoughts as me then.

Dray bumps me and I follow him, I stumble a few times because I'm not used to my wolf form.

He huffs and I grin, a weird expression for a wolf.

I start to run, the wind tangles in my fur and I let out a joyful bark. Dray follows me,  guiding me and making sure I stay safe on my first every run.

I pick up the pace and run like my life is in great danger, just to see how fast I can go. Dray looks like he wants to stop me but he doesn't do anything.

We mess around happily for hours until I end up in the woods where I was bitten. I let out a growl as soon as I smell my lingering scent.

I hope that the wolf who bit me is still here, I want a little revenge.

I hear a growl and I whip around, a whole pack comes towards us. I freak out and try running away.

Dray nips me before I can go anywhere, telling me not to run.

The leader growls again and his pack falls back, waiting.

The leader then jumps towards me and I gladly meet him in the middle.

I don't know how to fight in wolf form but I know how to bite, storm helps me and we fight together.

I bite the leaders paw and he grabs my back, I try to direct my pain as anger, storm wants me to but the wounds hurt like nothing I've had before.

Dray and his wolf fight the leaders pack, I don't know what will happen if I defeat the leader but I have an idea.

Wild wolves bow down to the wolf that won, weather it was their leader or a new wolf. I don't want to have a pack, I just want it to be me and Dray.

I focus on the fight, blood drops down from my wounds and I limp slightly.

Storm takes over fully and I'm helpless, she attacks with more force than I was using.

We bite, slash and grab at the leader; weakening him.

After we are done storm releases me so we can fight together.Storm was just scared that we were going to die and that I didn't know how to defend myself in wolf form.

He moves in for the kill, thinking I'm weak and ready to be taken out. Well I have other plans, as he leaps. I duck and turn, biting the soft underside of him. He howls in pain and i rip his throat out before he can attack again.

I turn around to see the pack staring at me and Dray rushes to me, making sure I'm okay. I lick his muzzle, he has blood around it but it's not his. I sigh in relief that he is okay, the wolves behind us let out a mournful howl and I flinch.

After they are done, they bow towards me. I look at Dray and he's smiling, I turn and run because I'm horrified at what I've just done.


Sorry it took so long, this story is hard for me to write for some reason.

I hope you like it :)

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