Chapter 18

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We sneak along the right side of the building, the driver of our truck keeps checking on me to see if I'm okay with this and I free my wolf growling at him.

"Okay, on my command" Percy whispers, holding his hand up. Hunter laze around the room, I glance at the glass door and I know what Percy is planning to do.

He lows his hand and two wolves shoot a bullet of some sort at the door, the glass shatters and the bullets ricochet around the room.

The hunters stare at us with wide eyes, they didn't think we would rebel against them but the werewolves are changing. We don't stand in the shadows any more, we will get my pack back but most of all we are showing the hunters that we are no longer afraid of them.

Percy nods to me, signalling that it's time to fight and I get my knife out ready. Percy's wolves tense, awaiting his command to shift. He waits a second before giving a howl, the signal for them the shift.

I jump into action as Percy's wolves shift, they attack the hunters and I go looking for my pack. Hopefully I can find them here.

The warehouse glows red with the flames that take over, I hope my pack don't die like that.

I duck and dive, hunters attack from all angles and I know my pack are here. There would not be as many hunters here if my pack was somewhere else.

My knife cuts through hunter after hunter but I'm not bothered, they have my pack. I might have been human but now I have to think wolf as well as human and I don't regret my walk in the woods.

I realise as I'm fighting that my life had been incomplete without my wolf and pack, now my life is fuller than I could have ever hoped for.

My wolf howls with agreement and we agree on another thing, it's time the shift. I let go of my control and let the wolf take over, I relish the feeling as my human form disappears and my wolf form raises.

I shake as my wolf form completes itself, I let out a howl and I hear my pack answer it. I look towards Percy and he nods, I bounce towards my packs location.

I hear Dray run up along side me, the thought that he's fighting with me sends my wolf it's a rage. He betrayed us, he left us for dead and he made excuses as to why he left.

I growl at him but he ignores me, I roll my wolven eyes and continue on my path towards my pack. He will not stop me, no one will stop me.

I let out a battle, rage filled howl and my pack answer with a battle cry. We are getting out and no one can stop us form leaving alive, I woof happily at the thought of my pack back with me and the pups.

I round the corner and see hunter every where, I snarl at them and chase my wolf give chase. Let the chase begin my wolf, kill them all. I think to my wolf and she yips at me, we are thinking alike.

I take a step back and just let her take over completely, Dray warned me that she may never give me control back but I'm sure she will, after the threat is gone.

I jump, three hunters go down. I duck and four hunters go down, my wolf takes hunters down like they are just an annoyance. We get to my pack who are fine apart from a few cuts and bruises.

I growl at them and they all nod, I bark and Aaron steps back as I jump at the lock on the cage door. My wolf bites down on it like it's jelly and my pack are free.

I shift back, it was easy. My wolf was bored with all the fighting and just wanted to go home, she didn't fight me when I asked for control back. This is another lie dray as told me.

We run past all the hunters bodies, I cringe at the thought that I did this. I shrug as we head towards all the fighting, Percy is keeping the hunter busy so we can sneak passed them.

I jerk my head right, my pack follow and head right. We burst out of the fire ridden building and into the car park where all the trucks are parked waiting for us.

I turn, just in time to get hit by a bullet. I howl as it hits, my side feels like fire but I need to get Percy out.

I motion for the pack to get in the trucks, Aaron shakes his head and I roll my eyes. He is the best second in command I could ever ask for.

Me, Aaron and Dray head back into the burning building, my eyes burn from all the smoke and my eyes are useless.

I try to us my nose but the smoke blocks all other scents, I tilt my head and listen for them. I find them in a room free of fire, Percy and his wolves are winning but only just.

I cups my hands around my mouth and howl, he nods in return and we all fight our way out. Just as we get out a hunter grabs me, Aaron growls at him and attacks but it's too late. The hunter stabs me with a silver knife, right in the side.

I open my mouth in a gasp but ends in blood pouring down, he lets me go and I fall ungracefully to the floor.


A long one, I  know. I hope you have enjoyed it.

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