Chapter 11

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The wind howls, Ava and Jake curl up closely next to me and Dray sleeps on the chair. He says he needs to protect me but I don't really need it, all in all the pack have settled in nicely. We have a run every other day, making sure to leave the younger pups with a fighter wolf.

I personally take the fighter wolf on a run after the rest of the pack have come back. It's been a week since my mum and family was killed, my best friend Tasha was also killed. I don't know who did it but I know one thing for sure: I'm going to get my revenge.

"Mummy, I'm cold" Ava mumbles, I shake my head and pull her closer.

Ever since we moved into this house they couldn't sleep in their own room so I moved their beds into my room. They still don't sleep in them, they like to sleep with me instead.

I lay my head against Avas. She sighs and curls up more. I smile at her before closing my eyes, tomorrow is going to be a great day with my new pack.

"Attackers!" I hear Aaron shout.

I jump up at the same time Dray does, we collide into each other and I growl at him. He rolls his eyes and I gently push Ava and Jake into the wardrobe.

"Stay here and do not move no matter what" I command, they cannot ignore a command from their alpha.

Ava nods while Jake hide behind her, I kiss their heads then run out to help fight with my pack. Blood is everywhere, I just hope it's not my packs.

"Aaron, what's the news?" I shout over the commotion.

"Four of ours are dead, the rest of the blood is the enemy" he says.

My blood runs cold, four wolves from my pack have been killed. I shake as I try to keep from shifting, my wolf takes over and I let go of my control. Shifting hurts more if you fight it, my wolf will not let any one else be hurt.

My regal white fur bursts out of my skin as my bones break and reline into that of a wolfs. My ear move higher up and my sight becomes black and white, I can hear the screams of my pack as they get hurt and I snarl.

I jump on the first attacker I see, his screams echo around the whole house and all the attackers stop; frozen in fear.

I leap, duck and bite until my mouth is covered in the blood of my enemies. I push my pack out of the danger, Aaron and Dray stay with me. Aaron is the main fighter wolf, Dray is my mate and my wolf is out of control right now.

"mummy, they are all dead" I hear Ava say from the stair way. I growl at her, her eyes widen and I nearly leap at her.

Dray jumps in my way and he snarls at me, my wolf demands that we end the threat but I look around and see that the only threat to the pack is me.

I shift and collapse, my mind swirls with unanswered questions and I look at my mate as my eyes close for the second time today.


Happy new year! 2016 is nearly here!

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