Chapter 15

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"Let him go" I growl at the hunter, he smiles and shoots dray in the leg. He growls but doesn't make a sound of pain.

"Put the girl down and I'll let your mate go" He tells me.

Dray shakes his head, I try to weight the pros and cons of letting the man have Ava or him killing my mate. I growl, it's a catch twenty two. He won't let Dray go even if I give Ava up.

I put Ava on the ground, she grabs my leg and shakes. I sigh, dray knows what I'm about to do and so does Ava. She lets me go as I tense my muscles.

Aaron watches me and I see the dawning of what I'm about to do in his eyes. I leap and shift, my body changes into my wolf so fast that the hunter hesitant's. I use it to my advantage, I knock Dray away form the hunter and my body smashes into the hunter.

I bite and claw him, hoping he dropped the gun otherwise he will shoot me. I bark at the others, telling them to get out of hear and luckily they listen. Dray picks Ava up and Aaron pushes them out of the room and to freedom.

I feel the bullet before I hear the shot, my side ignites with fire and I grit my teeth against the burn of the silver.

I rip his throat out before I can get bullets fired at me, I jump off him and head towards the window my pack jumped out of.

The chilly fresh witer air meets my nose as I take a leap of faith through the window, luckily it's not a big drop or it might have killed me.

I land on all fours and I roll to take the pressure off my paws. I bound around, acting like a little pup at my victory.

I shake myself and sprint towards my goal, the pack. I hope with what fibre in my body that they made it, I don't know what I'm going to do if they didn't make it.

The sun raises, casting a shadow over the land it hasn't reached yet. My wolven eyes pick up the faded blood trails and I tense, please don't be from my pack I think over and over.

I follow the faint scent of blood, the wind has blown the scent away but luckily I can still see it. I track it to the clearing where I met my pack, trepidation fills my whole body as I shift back into my human form.

"Hello?" I shout into the air, if they pack are near they will hear.

I hear a howl, Ava's howl. I take off running in the direction of the howl, I know something bad has happened and i just wish that my pack would be left alone.

I tear into the woods with a fierce growl of protection, a hunter glances my way and sneers at me before throwing a knife at me.

I stumble as it hits my side, blood coats my side and I growl. Ava and Jake huddle against a tree, away from the carnage and for that I'm grateful.

I shake my head and shift, my head spins from shifting so much in such little time but I need to protect my pack. I fight my way to the pups of my pack, they grip my fur as I lick them to make sure they are okay.

"Ellie, get the pups away from here!" Aaron shouts from across the hunters, I bark and howl at him before waiting for the pups to shift or climb on my back if they are not old enough.

Dray appears by my side and we take off into the unknown to find shelter from the darkness the world has become.


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