Chapter 10

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I lead the pack through the house, it's big enough that the whole pack have bedrooms. My mum was going to sell this house but I've always loved it so she kept it.

I let the pack make their own rooms and I wait in the living room, The girl still sleeps on my shoulder and I smile at her sleeping form. The boy has cuddles up to me and sleeps peacefully. I need to find out their names, I wonder what all the packs names are I only know Aarons name.

Dray walks into the room and smile at us, He sits next to me and I lean against him. I yawn and my eyes start to close.

"Mummy can I have some water?" The little girl asks.

"What?" I reply.

She opens her eyes and asks me again, I'm not her mum but I'll try to be. I nod and hand her to Dray, she snuggles closer to him and I go get her some water. I smile as I walk back into the living room, the children have woken up and are playing with Dray.

"here's your water" I say, handing her the water.

She carefully drinks from it then hands the empty glass to me. I place it on the table and smile at her. I wonder if it is the right time to ask her name.

"What's your names then?" I ask.

"We don't have names" They reply together, I'm shocked that they don't have names.

"Do you want names?" I ask them, I hope they do.

"Yes, but no one will give us names" The girls says while her brother looks at us with sad eyes.

"Okay, how about Ava and Jake?" I say.

"I like it, do you brother?" Ava asks her brother.

"Yeah, I love it!" Jake replies, I smile as they repeat their names.

The pack start to come down, I wonder into the kitchen and start to make some food for us. My cooking skills are poor but it's the effort that counts, I place all the food on the table like an all you can eat. 

We stay up and play games all night, it take my mind off everything that's happened in the last few weeks. My life has changed so much and I wonder what my mum would say to me, would she be proud or would she hate what I've done.

I get to know all my pack's names, I'm grateful to Dray who made me go back and help them. My wolf would have dragged me back anyway but I'm glad I didn't have to shift to go back for them.

Ava and Jake watch us, they sit next to me but say nothing as they watch their pack get to know me and Dray. I learn that the pack were being hurt by the old alpha and my blood boils, just the thought of my pack being hurt makes me want to shift and kill someone.

"Mummy, can we go to bed now?" Ava asks me, I glance at the clock and see that it's three in the morning.

"Yes, I'll show you to your room" I reply, getting up.

Jake grabs my hand and Ava grabs Jakes hand, I laugh at us. we look like a human chain. I realise that for the first time I'm a mum, they might not be mine but I'm already thinking about them as my own children.

I open the door to their room, it's dark so I turn on the light. I lift Ava into her bed and Jake jumps into his bed. I look around and check that the window is firmly shut and locked.

"Night you two" I say, my mind tells me to just leave but my heart tells me to do something motherly.

I lean down and kiss Ava on the head, I pull her cover up and kiss her again. I then walk over the Jake, he giggles as I kiss his head and pull his cover up.

"Sleep tight, my pups" I whisper softly before closing the door, I leave the lights on so that they won't get scared.


Another Chappie! I'm on a roll.

I hope you like it :)

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