𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 💞 | 𝗝𝗔𝗞𝗘 × 𝗡𝗜-𝗞𝗜 |

549 17 7

Request from: @stardust_moonchild 

Riki's morning routine was a delicate dance of hiding the bruises and scars that marred his skin, a silent testament to the brutality he endured. Each glance in the mirror served as a painful reminder of the torment that awaited him beyond the sanctuary of his bedroom walls.

As he descended the stairs, the aroma of breakfast lingered in the air, a fleeting moment of normalcy in an otherwise tumultuous existence. Jake's smile greeted him, a beacon of warmth amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him. But behind that smile, Riki could see the concern etched in Jake's eyes, a silent plea for him to confide in him, to share the burden that weighed so heavily on his soul.

"Morning, Riki," Jake's voice was gentle, filled with an unspoken understanding. But Riki could only offer a weak smile in return, his heart heavy with the weight of his own secrets.

The journey to school was a silent one, the air thick with tension as they navigated the familiar streets that led to the battleground of Riki's daily struggle. With each passing moment, the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air, a silent countdown to the inevitable confrontation that awaited him.

Arriving at school, Riki braced himself for the onslaught of taunts and jeers that awaited him. But no amount of preparation could steel his heart against the venomous words that pierced his armor, each barb carving deeper into his already fragile psyche.

The classroom felt suffocatingly small as Riki's heart pounded in his chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. The bullies loomed over him like menacing shadows, their faces twisted in cruel grins as they advanced, closing in on their prey.

"Let go of me!" Riki's voice echoed off the walls, filled with a raw defiance that belied the fear gnawing at his insides.

"Look who's getting feisty now," one of the bullies sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Thought you could just walk away, huh?"

Riki's back pressed against the cold, unforgiving surface of the wall, trapping him in a prison of fear and despair. But as the first blow landed, a spark of defiance ignited within Riki's soul, a primal instinct to fight back against the forces that sought to break him.

"You think you can push me around and get away with it?" Riki's voice trembled with rage as he unleashed a flurry of blows, each strike fueled by the pain and anger that had festered within him for far too long.

For a brief moment, the tide seemed to turn, the bullies recoiling in shock as Riki fought back with a ferocity that took them by surprise.

"What the hell? Get him!" Another bully lunged forward, his fists flying as he sought to overpower Riki with sheer brute force.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope remained, a flicker of light in the darkness that threatened to consume him.

"You think you can break me?" Riki's voice rose above the din, filled with a defiant resolve that echoed through the chaos. "You'll never win!"

And as the final blow fell, and darkness descended, Riki knew that though the battle may have been lost, the war was far from over. For within him burned a fire that could never be extinguished, a flame of resilience and strength that would guide him through the darkest of nights, and into the light of a new dawn.

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