𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒅𝒚 🐅 | 𝗘𝗻𝗵𝗮 × 𝗻𝗶-𝗸𝗶 |

742 20 17

Ni-ki was a puma hybrid, hybrids were raw too see especially now days, they've become more and more rare, so Ni-ki his it he didn't want anyone to know. It was already hard to hide when he was in Japan. Coming to Korea he knew he had to hide his fluffy ears that was ontop of his head.

When Ni-ki had joined I-LAND. He was smart enough to hide his ears, he wore hoodies and covered his hair. No one noticed. 

Then he debuted, Ni-ki knew he couldn't wear Hoodies all the time it would seem weird, so he would lower his ear and let it blend with fluffy brown hair. 

That's was easy enough because no one was able to question it he wore caps and hats to his ears could be hidden by it.

"Riki-ah?" Heeseung's curious voice interrupted his thoughts one day as they sat together. "Why do you always wear hats?"

Riki glanced at Heeseung nervously before answering, "It's comfy..."

Jake, who was nearby, joined the conversation, "I've only seen your hair a few times."

Riki managed a small smile, but inside, he was conflicted. Revealing his hair meant risking exposure of his hidden ears, carefully concealed within his fluffy brown locks. "Yeah, hats are just my thing," he replied, hoping to divert the question. "I should buy you more then," Jay joked, and Riki just smiled before quickly excusing himself from the kitchen. 

He walked into the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror, his fluffy brown ears peeking out from under his hat. 

A knock sounded at the bathroom door, and Jungwon's voice followed, "Is someone in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, wait..." Riki mumbled, hastily adjusting his cap to conceal his ears before opening the door. Jungwon greeted him with a cute dimpled smile as he entered the bathroom.

Riki quickly made his way to his shared bedroom, which he occupied with Sunoo. Sharing a room with Sunoo proved to be quite challenging, considering Sunoo's sweet nature and insatiable curiosity about the world around him. 

As Riki lay on his bed, he couldn't ignore the discomfort caused by his tail twitching nervously beneath his pants. Just then, the door clicked open, and Sunoo bounded into the room, his cheerful demeanor lighting up the space.

"Hi!" Sunoo exclaimed, settling himself beside Riki on the bed. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he reached out, clearly wanting to play with Riki's hair.

Sunoo's hand reached out towards Riki's hair, but Riki instinctively rolled back, fear flickering in his eyes. Sunoo tilted his head, a look of concern crossing his face as he noticed Riki's reaction.

"Are you okay?" Sunoo asked gently, his eyebrows furrowing with worry.

Riki nodded softly, averting his gaze. "I-I don't like people touching... my hair," he mumbled, feeling a sense of vulnerability wash over him.

Sunoo chuckled softly, moving closer to Riki. "Aww, I won't do anything. I swear!" he reassured, flashing a warm smile.

Despite Riki's apprehension, Sunoo reached out to grab Riki's hat before he could react. By then, it was too late for Riki to stop him.

Sunoo removed Riki's cap, revealing his soft, fluffy locks of hair and adorable brown ears that perked up in surprise. Riki's ears twitched nervously as Sunoo gasped in astonishment, his eyes widening in shock.

"You're a hybrid?" Sunoo exclaimed, his face breaking into a huge smile. "You're so cute!!!" He couldn't contain his excitement as he reached out to touch Riki's ears.

Riki stared at Sunoo, his heart racing with anxiety. "Oh my god! I have to tell the members!" Sunoo exclaimed, his enthusiasm bubbling over as he made to leave the dorm room.

Panic surged through Riki as he quickly grabbed Sunoo's hands. "D-Don't...!" he pleaded, but Sunoo was already dashing off, leaving Riki alone with his fears of exposure.

Riki sat frozen on the bed, feeling utterly dumbfounded by the sudden exposure of his hybrid identity. His ears twitched nervously as he instinctively placed his hands on his head, gently stroking his hair in an attempt to calm himself.

Suddenly, Jake burst into the room, followed closely by the others. "Oh my god!" Jake exclaimed, his cheerful voice filled with excitement as he hurried over to sit in front of Riki.

"You're so cute, Riki-ah!" Heeseung chimed in, joining Jake in playing with Riki's hair.

Embarrassment flooded Riki's cheeks, turning them a deep shade of red. His nose followed suit, the tip glowing bright red, adding to his already endearing appearance. Despite his embarrassment, Riki couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through him at the boys' reactions.

"You're such a cute hybrid!" Jungwon beamed, settling down on the bed beside Riki.

"So, what type of hybrid are you?" Sunghoon inquired, his curiosity evident as he sat next to Riki.

"Puma," Riki mumbled quietly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and nervousness.

Jay's mischievous smile widened. "So, does that mean you have a tail?" he teased.

Riki's face flushed with embarrassment as he shook his head vigorously. "Y-You're not seeing it!" he protested, his voice coming out slightly panicked.

Jay chuckled at Riki's reaction, and Sunghoon reached over to ruffle his hair affectionately. "Aww, you're so cute," Sunghoon remarked with a warm smile.

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