𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 🤍🖌 | 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗡 × 𝗡𝗜-𝗞𝗜 |

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 June 8th of 1632 

"Riki-ah!" Riki turned his head around to see his mother calling for him, her gentle voice cutting through the bustling streets of their new Korean neighborhood. "Mama!" He giggled in excitement as his mom scooped him up into her arms, her warm embrace comforting him as they walked away from their modest house.

Riki knew exactly where his mother worked – a beautiful, well-built home nestled in the heart of the city. He admired how hard she worked to provide for them, her dedication evident in every step she took.

Having moved from Japan to Korea, Riki understood the challenges they faced, especially amidst the tensions of the ongoing Japan War. Living in the Joseon Dynasty as a Japanese family was not easy, with whispers and glances following them wherever they went.

"Make sure you don't do anything bad, okay?" His mother's words were a gentle reminder, spoken with love and concern, as she carefully set him down and exchanged pleasantries with the guard, ensuring their passage into the prestigious household where she served.

His mother gracefully bowed to the guards standing at attention outside the ornate gates of the fancy house. With a nod of approval, they allowed them entry, and Riki's mom gently took his hand, guiding him through the grand entrance and into the opulent interior.

Inside, Riki watched as his mother exchanged warm hugs and greetings with an unfamiliar woman, her smile genuine and welcoming. As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell upon an open door, leading to another part of the house. Curiosity piqued, he ventured closer, his gaze drawn to the sight of an older boy dressed in a beautifully designed dark blue anryeong, adorned with a vibrant red cheollik draped around his upper body. The boy was engrossed in painting, his movements fluid and focused.

Captivated by the scene before him, Riki felt a tug of interest. However, his attention was soon interrupted when the unfamiliar lady must have noticed his fascination with the older boy. "Hi, sweetie," she addressed him with a warm smile, breaking him out of his reverie. "You can go inside the room and talk to him." Her encouraging words spurred Riki into action, and with a shy nod, he made his way towards the open door, anticipation bubbling within him.

"Hi..." Riki stuttered nervously as he entered the room, his heart pounding with anticipation. Taking a seat on the floor in front of the older boy, his knees pressed against the cool surface, Riki's gaze met the older boy's intense stare as he laid down his paintbrush.

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