Chapter 72

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I woke up with a sore body. I put my hand on my jaw. The pain was immediate. These patients had surely moved something. I came out of bed as best I could and stumbled in front of the mirror. A big bruise left a yellowish spot on my cheek. My lips were swollen and there was still dried blood on the corner of my nostrils. I winced at my abominable reflection. I couldn't just walk out.

One knocked on my door. I set my back on it, refusing to be seen like that.

"Hmm?" I said all the same.

I heard someone come in.

"Oh you're up, I didn't think you'd be able to do it after the night you went through..."

I recognized the voice that spoke to me but categorically refused to turn around.

"Ryder? Everything okay?

"Yes. I have... I just need to be a little alone."

I heard him approaching. Every step he took cracked the floor of my room. I stiffened, having only one desire: to bury my face in my sheets and not to come out.

"You hate being alone."

I covered my face with my hands.

"Please..." I insisted.

One grabbed my wrists, forcing me to look at the person facing me, without hiding.

"Kristoff! Stop! " I cried.

"Wow, they didn't miss you." I didn't think it would be that bad. Did you know them?

"Leave me alone!"

"Are you kidding?"

No matter how hard I struggled, the young man never let go of me.

"Ryder, seriously! Who were those guys? "

"I don't know! I didn't know them!"

"Had you spoken to them?"

"No. "

"Had you seen them before?"

"No. I mean, maybe.... Oh and I don't know, there's a lot of people I've never seen here!"

"Then how come they knew things about you that even we didn't know?"

I lowered my eyes and bit my lower lip. The pain I felt in doing so made me stop immediately. A taste of blood then came into my mouth.

"Ryder? How could they know? And what's the deal with Elsa? You're bleeding," he remarked, pointing to my lip.

I looked up at the sky.

"I know," I mumbled.


"I.... I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Stop. You have no other friend but me here. You cannot remain alone in your silence with your problems. They wanted you dead!"

"Don't exaggerate..."

"I'm not exaggerating! If we had not intervened, what would have happened? Now tell me the truth. They did not strike you without reason..."

"They wanted to humiliate me for an affair with Elsa, is that all right with you?" I got angry.

"And what did Honeymaren have to do with it?"

"They love each other, Kristoff..." I said. "From day one."

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

"I guess I couldn't realize... But the problem is...

"You love her too."

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