Chapter 1

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-Oh? It's you?! he said looking at her with a surprised look.

-I guess...she sayd.

-It's been a while hasn't it?!

-Yeah...Do you missed me?


-Mmm ok...

He looks at her silently for couple of seconds and said:

-Do you missed me too?

-I don't know...

-Come on please, be honest with me...I won't be sad...I just want the truth!

-Maybe... she said bored.

-H-how am I supposed to take that response? Is it a yes or a no?!

-Take it as you wish!

-You're not being very specific...that isn't hepful, he said with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

-That's it, she said trying to annoy him.

-„That's it?!" What's is supposed to mean?!

-I don't know...

He sighs looking directly at her:

-Let me make it clearer...DO YOU MISS ME OR NOT?!

-Maybe a little, she said indifferently.

He seems to calm down a little, „just a little?" he had thought intrigued.

-Okay...I guess that's better than nothing, he says whith a small smile on his face. Do you find any boys out there ?


-That's good to know...he says sounding a little relieved.


-I'd be kinda upset if you ended up with someone else. Is that weird?

-Do you want me? she said confidently.

He gets a little bit flustered by her question but he nods anyway.

-I'll be lying if I said no, he said.

-Conquer me! she said in a challenging tone.

He gets a little surprised after her request.

-U-uhm...could you be a little more specific please?

-No, she replies cheekily.

He seems a bit speechless:


He looks at her silently for a second. you mean it? Do you really want me to conquer you?

-I don't care, she said indifferently.

-You're giving so many mixed responses...just...tell me what you really want.

-I want...

-Please just tell me, he seems to be getting a bit frustrated whith her responses.

-I don't know what I want.

-You're starting to get on my nerves...just tell me what you want already.


-Fine, you're impossible! Can you just be direct for once?!


He is getting a bit annoyed whith her but he tries his best to hide it.

-Okay. Be direct then.

-I don't know, she starts laughing.

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