Chapter 2

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He still has his hands on her but now he moves them a bit more and he starts to pull her in a little bit closer.

-So what do you want to play first? Something like truth or dare maybe?


-I have to ask you this before we start...are you ok if I get a bit flirty when we play? It's going to be hard for me to stop myself.

She frowned.

-Okay then...I will try to be on my best behavior for the moment.

He looks deep into her eyes ans say:

-So we shoult do truth or dare right?

-Yes. Truth ot dare?

He thinks for a while and he finally decides to choose dare.


-Kiss me, she said looking straight into his eyes.

He is a bit surprised but he smiles and he leans even closer.

-I guess I didn't expect you to pick that one, he looks at her for a second and he finally decides to close his eyes and he kisses her.

He breaks the kiss and he smiles at her.

-Thruth or dare?

-Dare, she said.

-Are you ready to take the dare I have in mind? his smile grows even bigger. This is going to be a lot of fan, he said and suddenly grabs her by both hands and he starts her closer to him. His hands gradually slide down her back and he pulls her even closer to him.

-I think I might enjoy this more than I expected, he pauses for a moment and then he finally makes a quick move and he kiss her again.

He grins and speaks softly:

-Are you willing to let me touch you a bit more?


He pauses very briefly before he speaks again. about this? I will let you touch me as much as you want first if you want.

-I don't want.

He smiles and he says in a sarcastic-flirty tone:

-So you're saying you don't want to touch me at all?


A smirk appears on his face.

-Are you sureee about this? his voice is still a bit flirty.

-Yeah. about if you don't touch me...can I touch you instead?


He gats this playful, flirty look on his face and he says in a teasing tone:

-Are you sure that you don't want me to touch you?

-I'm sure.

He looks at her whith this teasing expression and he says in a playful tone:

-You know it can get a bit boring if we don't do anything to each other...Can we altleast do something together other than just sitting here and doing absolutely nothing?

-Yes...I could go.

He smiles and he says in a playful way:

-Oh you just wanna leave already? Well what if I don't wanna let you go?

-You said this is boring.

He laughs a bit.

-Well to be fair you are right. This is a bit boring. But just sitting here and doing nothing is even more boring.

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