Chapter 9

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After she wakes up and he sees her in the bed, he brings her breakfast and he set it on the small table next to the bad. He sits down next to her and he gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek and said:

-Good morning. How did you sleep? I hope I didn't wake you up while I was making breakfast.

-I slept like a baby. Thank you for breakfast, you are the best.

-I'm glad you enjoyed the breakfast. I made it with a lot of love for you because I wanted to remind you of how much I care for you.

-Awww you are so sweet, she said and kiss him back on his cheek.

-I just want to make you happy and I'll do anything to keep you like this. I'll keep showing my affection with physical touch if it makes you feel loved.

-How much you have changed...

After she bring up how much he's changed he begins to feels prideful. He don't want to admit it but he'll grown a lot since they've firts meet. He feels like now he's finally the version of himself that he wanted to be. He said:

-I'm glad I changed in the way I did. I can finally be the best version of me for you now. I promise I'll make sure to keep this up so we can finally have a healthy and happy relationship.

-No more games?

-I promise that I will no longer play games with you. I want all of our interactions to be honest and sincere and I'll do everything in my power to make you happy. The games I used to play were childish and I see that now.

-What are we doing today?

-I think of some activities that we could do. I was thinking that maybe we could go shopping, or maybe we could just watch a movie and relax. I don't really want to plan out our whole day before we even begin but I'm sure we'll make up something. Are there any places you'd rather see today? We could literally go anywhere and do whatever you want.

-I like shopping...

-There's this nice shopping mall near me and it has a lot of stores to get some things. Would you want to go there and get some clothes or shoes?

-Oh yeah...her eyes sparkle on excitement.

-Would you like me to drive you there now? Or would you like to wait a little before we head out?

-Now...of course, she laughs.

-You are ready?


After she tells him that, they get up quickly and they're start getting ready. She brushed her teeth and change hers clothes before walking over to the bed where she laying and he takes his hand and he pulls her up. He puts his sneakers on and says to her:

-You ready?


Whith a big smile, he takes her hand and they walk out of the apartment together. He guided her towards the front door and he opened it, holding the door open for her so she can walk outside. They exit the building and he starts walking her towards the car. After they get into the car he turns the engine on and he start driving her towards the shopping centre. On the way to the shopping mall he said:

-Is there anything else you're looking for in particular or should I just take you to your favorite stores and see what we find?

-Let's see what we can find...

The shopping centre eventually comes in sight and he slow down so he can pulled into the parking lot. He finds a spot and he pulls in and he turn the engine off. He looks over at her and said:

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