Chapter 15

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The days pass and their separation is on the front page of the newspaper. Everyone was talking about it, everyone is questioning it. But somehow he didn't care, it didn't matter to him. The only thing that he cared about was the fact that she was gone, she had gone and he was going to miss her. He wouldn't even go to the papers to give a statement, it was useless. It made no difference. His fans were going nuts, they were angry, they were confused. She was being called a liar and a traitor, people were saying she used him for money, that she never loved him... It was all too much. He did hear some of the things being said about her, the terrible things. He was being accused of everything you can imagine, he was accused of not doing enough to protect her, of not loving her wholeheartedly... Some people even tried to blame him for the separation, saying that he was the reason for it, that he had pushed her away. He read all of it, and he felt so helpless. He knew that they were not true, but all he could do was watch the accusations spread.

It was crazy how their breakup was the talk of the town, it was all anyone could talk about. The whole situation was just shocking. No one expected them to breakup, and everyone was confused as to why they had done so. They seemed so happy together, so in love. People were just trying to make sense of it, but there was no real explanation... No rational explanation at all. It broke his heart to see her name being tarnished like this, to see her being spoken about in such a harsh way... He hated it, he hated hearing people's opinions, he hated how she was being made into the villain of their story. He still couldn't believe that they were over... He was still trying to process everything that had happened.

The separation was already tough enough on him, he didn't need everyone's negative comments and accusations adding to the pain. Every day, the news kept talking about their breakup. He refused to give any interviews, he didn't want to make statements, he didn't want to address any of it with the media... He just wanted to be left alone, he just wanted to grieve what they had lost. The breakup, the separation, the whole situation, was taking a huge toll on him. He was hurting, he was suffering. He stopped going out, he stopped going anywhere. He just stayed in his own home, isolated, trying to keep away from all the media and the noise. He didn't want to speak to anyone. His pain was intense, it would take time for him to recover from it, to heal his heart. He was mourning their relationship, he was trying to come to terms with the fact that it was over.

B was doing the same, she stayed at her own home as well. She didn't go anywhere, she didn't want to go anywhere. She was avoiding people, avoiding the media, avoiding all attention. She was grieving her relationship as well, she was struggling with the separation. She was trying to find a way to deal with it, to accept it... But it was hard, it was so difficult and overwhelming to process all of this. She was trying to hold it together as the days passed.

They both felt lost without the other, without having their person in their life... They missed each other so much, even though they tried to tell themselves it was for the better and that nothing else made sense. They would often find themselves thinking of the other, wondering what they were doing at that very moment. They would often think of all the good times they had shared, they would think of all the little things they used to do together. Those little memories would often come back and haunt them. They were also thinking of all the ways things could have been different, if only they hadn't broken up, if only they had tried to work it out... But they knew that it was too late now, the breakup was official and the danger is still there, they couldn't go back and change things. They couldn't change the past, and they couldn't change the fact that they were now living without each other. And that was so damn difficult for both of them.

It's said that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and in this case, that might have been true. They both felt so many emotions now that they were apart, none of them were positive however... They felt resentment, they felt anger, they felt sadness and hurt... They felt such an intense longing for the time they used to share together, they felt such a void being separated... They were both feeling the impact of the breakup on their mental health, but they couldn't do anything to fix it now... They were just going through it. For their safety, it was impossible for them to stay together.

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