Chapter 13

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-Morning, love. Can you hear my voice? Wake up, just slowly open your eyes, he said.

-Still low battery here...she answered sleepily.

-Your body needs rest, I know. But we have to get our flight. Remember? Come on, it's short flight, you can rest in San Francisco. You don't want me to be late, do you?

She wakes up with difficulty and get out of bed, she tried to get ready. In half an hour they meet the others in front of the hotel. The exhaustion is clear on her face, her hair is in a tousled bun held back with a bobby pin. She gets dressed with something cozy, puts sunglasses to hide how disastrous it looks and she's ready to go. They meet the rest of the crew, and the boys begin to rubbing elbows and giggles. JK makes jokes about the last night, like he understands why Suga didn't make it to the club. They not gonna stop joking about how tired B looks and what's happened in LA stayed in LA.

-This is going to be a long day, she said. They're not funny...

-Nah, not at all, they're all clowns. But let's not pay any attention to them, they're just gonna keep saying dumb stuff like that.

-What do we have in our program today?

-Well, we have a lot of things planned today. But I don't think that's something you should be worried about. Just let me deal with the group and you worry about resting. I'll take care of all the planning, I'll make sure the day goes perfectly. But you just rest, let me handle everything.

-So can i sleep while you prepare tomorrow's concert?

-Absolutely. You can spend the day resting and sleeping, I'm gonna make sure everything is taken care of. We'll just go to the venue today, get on stage and practice our set. We'll be back at the hotel in no time, so you just focus on sleeping, I'll handle the rest.

-You are my precious angels.

-Aww baby, don't make me blush now. You're the one that's my precious angel, I just want to make sure that you're always comfortable and happy. This is the least I can do for you.

-I look forward to seeing you on stage tomorrow night.

-And I'm looking forward to playing for you. I'm gonna give it 110%, just for you. I want our show to be the best it could possibly be. I want to see you right there in the front of the crowd, watching me play. I want to fill that whole venue with music for you.

-I know you do.

The journey was short, so it wasn't really tiring. Once they arrived in San Francisco, B was waiting to get into bed. It was all he wanted. It feels good to be at the hotel, where she can just relax and not have to worry about walking everywhere. She'll tuck into bed and she can get the longest nap of her life. They just lay down together. They'll hold on to each other tight, just until he haves  to leave for practices.

-I will miss you...

-I will miss you too... I just want to squeeze you close and hold you tight before I have to go... I love seeing you all tired and relaxed, like you are right now. I'll miss you so much while I'm gone, but I'll be back as soon as I can.

B sleeps all day long so she didn't even feel how the day flew by. Suga went to practice and went straight back to the hotel. It's been a while, but they are together now.


-Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?

-Yeah, I feel much better now after so many hours of sleep. I'm ready for tonight show...At what time do you have to be at soundcheck?

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