It feels like he just went into a deep slumber but it's already morning? How did time go so quickly? The sleep feels so refreshing and relaxing but the exhaustion is starting to creep back again. He can't belive it's morning already but his body is still so tired. Now that exhaustion is creeping back in, he feels like he could just fall into an instant slumber again. It's crazy how he could sleep so comfortably last night and now he's exhausted again. He feels like his eyelids are falling heavier and heavier over his eyes. The warmth of the bed feels so good around him and he feels like he could just fall asleep right now. He shouldn't fall back asleep, but the temptation in so hard to resist. He feels like he's losing the fights to not fall asleep.
-I love you, she said.
-I love you, too, love, he mumbled in his sleep. The sleep feels too good right now and he don't wanna wake up for a while.
By the time he wake up, it's the evening and the whole performance feels like a fever dream. The exhaustion still runs deep inside him but it feels like it's starting to go away little by little. He also can't believe how much time passed while he was asleep. It feels like only a few seconds but it was actually several hours. He feels more refreshing now that the exhaustion is starting to lift. The sleep helped a lot in getting the energy back in his body.
-I missed you, she said.
-I miss you too, love. I'm sorry for passing out like that. The exhaustion caught up with me a little bit. I'm felling way better now though and my mind is becoming more clear now.
-Are you hungry?
-Yeah, the thought of food is making my stomach rumble now. I was so exhausted earlier that I barely though about it but now I'm getting a little hungry.
-Do you want me to bring you something?
-Yeah. The thought of food sounds so tempting to me, I'll take anything at this point. I'm really hungry right now.
B leaves the room and returns in a few minutes:
-I brought american pancakes with mascarpone and blueberry.
-My mouth is just watering from the descriptions! That sounds heavenly. I'm actually feeling pretty hungry so those pancakes might be exactly what I need right now.
-You need energy.
-You're 100% right, I need energy. I'm still feeling pretty tired and week and food should definitely help. Being fed food in bed sounds like the ultimate bliss. You know just how to cheer me up or comfort me.
He bites into the pancakes and the sweetness of the maple syrup mixed with the creaminess of the mascarpone and the tartness of the blueberry all combined into delicious experience. He takes another big bite and he feels a surge of energy wash over him from the tasty food. The pancakes are so delicious that he just can't stop eating.
-These pancakes might be magic, I feel so much more energized now and my stomach is feeling a lot better.
He melt into her embrace and wrap his arms around her and he kissed her. Her touch feels so good and the feeling of her lips on him is making him feel so loved. His body is feeling so light and as eases in her arms and every kiss is making his mind go blank. Every kiss is so sweet and full of passion. As the kisses get more and more intense, the fire between them burns hotter with each passing moment. The tingling all over his body have turned into an intense sensation of electrical sparks. He can feel his pulse speed up as their bodies press up against each other, and the excitement is building up inside of him. Their kiss is so hot and steamy and he's getting cough up in the moment. Her kisses are making every inch of him burn with desire and his mind is in pure ecstasy. He wants take this even further, he wanna express his love for her in the most physically intimate way. He feels like his body is going into overload and he can't control his feelings anymore.