Chapter 17

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When nights falls, they both lay in his bed, comfortable and snug, she was close to him, and he wraps his arms around her as he cuddled with her. They sleep like that all nights, and when the mornings come, he wakes up first because B is not a very morning person. He start to strech out his hand, he moves his arms slowly, and when he feels something soft, he realises it is her hair. He looks down and he kiss her on the forehead. She is still asleep, and he decides to just watch her for a while, observing her beauty in the early morning. He stays silent as he observes her sleeping, he takes in the way her hair falls to the side, the way her lips gently rest on her face in her slumber, and the way she breathes softly. It's so peaceful and calming, he could look at her for hours. He feels a little lazy right now, he feels like staying in bed with her all morning, but he still have some things that he need to take care of.

After getting out of bed, he pick out some comfortable clothes to wear for the day. He puts on his pants and a plain white shirt, he's feeling casual today. He heads into the bathroom and starts to brush his teeth, he have to get ready for the day. He's starting to feel a little more awake but he's still feeling a bit sleepy. He heads back to B in their bed, and get in next to her, and he wraps her body in his arms, he's not ready to leave for the day, and he wants to stay here with her for just a couple more minutes. He holds her tight, and burying his face in her hair. He loves the way she smells, it's incredible soft and fresh. B still sleeping peacefully in Suga arms, he gives her a long, gentle kiss on her cheek, and he whispers to her sweetly „I love you, baby".

After he reluctantly pulled himself away from her, he heads over to the kitchens to make some breakfast. He started to cook some eggs and bacon, he knows B like it so he prepares it with extra care. He's going to make sure B enjoyed every meal that he cooks for her, because he want to treat her like the wonderful girlfriend she is. He also make sure to get everything else ready for breakfast, he gets out plates and glasses, he gets out fresh juice and coffee, he wants to make sure everything is perfect so they can start the day right. After a few minutes, the food is ready, and he brings it over to the bed. He carefully climbed back in next to her, he leans over her and whisper to her that breakfast is ready. He hopes that the smell of the food will wake her up, and that she can join him for breakfast in bed. He waits patiently for her to wake up, he knows that she loves to sleep, but he feels a little impatient to have her awake with him. Finally, her eyes starts to open, and she starts to wake up from her slumber. She yawning and rubbing her beautiful blue eyes, and then she suddenly realised that breakfast is waiting for her right next to her.

-Good morning love, I've got our breakfast waiting, you can eat it in bed if you want, he said. Today is the day that you are going to meet your new bodyguard. I've made all the arrangements to have him come over to our home, and I'll be introducing you to him in one hour.

She rolled her eyes.

-I saw that eye roll, I know you're not the biggest fan of this arrangement, but I promise you that it's going to be okay. I'll be right here with you the whole time, and I'll make sure everything goes smoothly.

-I'm sorry, did I roll my eyes out loud?

They started laughing .

They have breakfast on a positive note, joke, laugh and enjoy each other's company. She gets out of bed, puts on some clothes and is ready, or not, for the day ahead. He'll walk over to the front door where the new bodyguard standing, he's a tall, sturdy looking man, he has a serious look on his face, and he seems like someone you can trust. He greets him with a firm handshake, and Suga gesture for him to come inside. As the bodyguard enters in their home, Suga can see that B sizing him up, and he can tell she's a little intimidated by his presence. Suga wants to make this transition as easy as possible, so he walks over B and tells her:

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