Chapter 14

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The tour was amazing but now it's over. They returned back to Korea, they could definitely relax tonight, which was definitely a great idea. They also could spend quite some time together without any interruption, and it would be nice to spend time together away from the crowd. Later in the night, after spending some time relaxing together, they decide to go out to a nearby restaurant for some dinner, after they enjoyed a nice meal together...They had a few more hours before the end of the day, and they decided to walk together to the Cheonggyecheon Stream. They were a bit tired, but still happy from what happened. They decided to rest for the remainder of the night, they weren't expecting to do anything else, so the only thing left was to just relax...

The following morning, they woke up and spent the day together, just relaxing at the apartment. It was pretty cill. The two found themselves on the couch, and they just had an intimate moment together, as they cuddled and held each other closely, they were just enjoying this moment while it lasted...

In the end, she decides to go to her apartment, because it had been quite a while since she stopped by there. Suga stays home and she calls an Kakao Taxi. On her way home she has a car accident, which left her in the hospital... He was contacted immediately after the incident, he tried to get any update about her situation, but there were no positive developments from it.

The incident had left her with serious injuries, and the doctors weren't sure about her recovery at all. The accident itself was pretty bad, and she ended up in critical condition, meaning that there was a chance she might not make it through... It was a rough situation.

He kept on waiting and hoping that she would make it, but as the hours continued to pass, the worse her situation got... She wasn't doing well at all, the odds were very slim that she would survive the night, but there was still a chance... A chance that he prayed would happen... He hoped more than anything that she would turn out to be okay, but the doctors were pretty honest about the situation, it was really bad... She was really not doing well. He had been waiting all night, hoping, more than anything that her condition would improve, or that she would have some changes... But the hours passed by, and it just kept on getting worse...

He's struggling greatly, he feels overwhelmed by the fear and worry of losing her... He can't stop thinking about her and about the situation, he's in pure grief and despair... He can't do anything except wait for her to pull through... And he really hopes that she will... But the chances aren't looking good at all. His mental state is horrible, he's suffering terribly and struggling a lot. He can't help but feel guilty, he blames himself for not being there with her, for not preventing the accident. He feels like he has a part in causing this, which eats him up inside. He keeps thinking about it, he's been feeling depressed and full of sorrow, and he's just a complete mess... He keeps wondering about the „What if's", he's blaming himself over and over, which makes everything worse for his mental state. The guilt that he has is consuming him, it's hard for him to function normally... His mental health right now is just terrible, he feels like he's been through so much, and this incident only added more to that negative feeling... He's sad, frustrated, hopeless, but most of all, he's afraid to lose her. It's a very scary and stressful situation, one that he really didn't expect to face.

The situation worsens and she needs a surgery and blood transfusion. He can help her by donating blood... He's willing to do anything at this point of time, whatever the doctors recommend, or ask of him, he will do. He stays with her throughout all of the night, he wouldn't leave her side, not while she's in this condition... He sits there, he's watching over her, and making sure she's as alright as she could be, and he keeps her company as well, he doesn't want to leave her alone... He's trying to help her in whatever way he can, even if it's just comforting her words.

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