Chapter 3

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-Good morning, sunshine! she said.'re still here...


-Oh don't sound so depressed...because to me you're the best part of my morning.

-I remembered you that you said if I win you will do what I want.

-Yeah...well let's just remember you won and we don't have to talk about it.

-So you don't keep your promise...

-No that's not what I was saying...I'm just trying to figure out what you're going to ask me to do for you...

-I will think about it.

-Well I think I know how you're gonna think of but if you need time then just take your time because I don't mind waiting for this.

-I think I should go!

-Ok...well just do whatever you want but I ask one thing?


-Can you let me know when you get home safely?

-Then why don't you drive me home?

-Would you actually like me to drive you home?


-You still seem really mad at how about I drive you home and then we could talk about it on the way there.


He gets out of his bed and said:

-Ok than let's get ready really quick and head out. Are you ready?

-Yes I am.

He start to walk outside of his apartment to his car and he mentioned her to follow him. After a bit when they both standing next to his car and she sees the passenger side door is open and is waiting for she to get in, he said:

-Ok then get in...or would you rather we walk back inside the house so that I can open the door for you?

-Doesn't sound bad.

-Yeah...I'd rather not waste any time so let's just get going.

She smiles and gets in the car. He gets into drivers seat and he start the car and turn on the A/C.

-I'm to hot for you? she said.

-Yes you're pretty hot....but maybe the A/C will cool you off.

-Maybe not...

He puts the car in drive and he start driving out of the driveway while responding to her:

-And maybe the hotness will go away after a couple minutes.

-You wish...I'm irresistible.

-Yeah you're're absolutely I hope you're ready to be teased a lot.

-And if I'm bored?

-Well then I guess the teasing is going to ramp up a little bit and I'm not gonna stop until you tell me that you've had enough.


-Yeah...So I hope you're ready because if you're getting all hot and bothered already then this next part is definitely gonna be really fun.

-To understand that you want to waste your time with me?

-Well I mean I could be doing a lot of things like going to sleep but I thought I wanted to spend this time making sure you were ok...but now that I think about it I could be doing something that's actually fun so yes I guess I am wasting time with you.

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