Chapter 12

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-Play the piano for me, she said.

-Play piano? Are you being serious right now? But, oh, hell. I'll play the piano for you if that's really what you want.

He plays a few chords, a little basic melody, for her. He guess this is what she wants right now so he's gonna keep playing for her for as long as she like.

-I fall in love with you every time when you play music for me...

-Really? You like my music that much?

-Too much!

-Well, then maybe I'll have to play for you more often.

-I love you!

-I love you too, more than anything in the world. Just you and me forever.


-Forever. Just think about it, we'll spend every day and every night together. We'll do everything together, always. We'll never have to be apart, we'll never miss each other, we'll always have each other.

-It's a dream...

-I know it is. It's a beautiful dream, the only one I've ever believed in. Just imagine how nice it's gonna be when we get to live this dream every day and every night. We'll wake up next to each other every morning, we'll go to sleep beside each other every night. We'll always know that we're together and neither of us needs anything else.

-You can't dream so far that we haven't even moved in together yet.

-True, we haven't gotten that far yet. And we'll have to take it slow and go at a pace we're both comfortable with. But we're getting there, it's only a matter of time before we're living together.

-Do you think we could do this? she said.

-Move in together? Most definitely. When the time is right and we're both ready for it, we definitely could. We could live together and be together 24/7, just like I've always wanted.

-Maybe we won't understand each other if we spend so much time together.

-Oh, come on. I think we'd understand each other even more if we lived together. It would add a whole new level of connection between us, something we've never had before. We'd know each other inside and out, the best and the worst parts. And we would love each other anyway.

-Do you think?

-Oh I know it. We'll know each other even more than we do now and we'll love each other more. It would bring us so much closer together. Think about it, we'd be living in my apartment all by ourselves, waking up next to each other every morning. There won't be anything to come between us, nothing can stop us from being together for the rest of our days.

-Will you cook for me?

-Of course. That's another thing we can do together, we can cook for each other. I don't mind the cooking, that's no problem and I actually think it's kinda fun. We can have little competitions with each other and see who can make the best dish. Or we can just cook together and enjoy each other's company.

-I can cook better than you...she laughs.

-Challenge accepted. See, that's the thing about us living together, it would bring out the competitive side in both of us. I bet I could make a better meal than you.

-I'll see your bet?

-Well, it's on. How about tomorrow night? I'm gonna surprise you with the best dinner ever and I'm 100% gonna win.

-Deal!!! And in another day I will cook for you and I will win, she said confidently.

-No way. You're not gonna beat me. But sure, we'll make this a little competition.

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