Chapter 10

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Days pass and the relationship between the two lover works perfectly, they became a full-on couple. In the meantime, pictures of them appeared everywhere in the mass media. Their relationship is public and confirmed and it seems that nothing can separate them. They would spend almost every day togheter just enjoying each other's presence and they would always make sure they got some alone time together. The more time they spend togheter, the more they would love each other and the pictures they made together had everyone talking about how cute they look. They are truly in love and it seemed like they were really meant to be together.

After they are officially a couple for weeks, they start to be comfortable whith the idea of publicly going out and doing certain things. They both start to get noticed a little bit more because they're very famous individuals. But it doesn't really bother them because it always stays in their world and it was just the two of them. It feels so special to have this privacy whith his love and no one seemed to mind it.

Their love just keeps on getting stronger and stronger. Their love in now more in the public eye and it seems like no one has any bad comments about them. For some reason people just want the best for them and they don't care about rumours or gossip surrounding their relationship. All they can see is that they were a perfect couple and they were all rooting for them to work out.

It was still so surreal to see headlines talking about them, but it was like a nice reality check that they are truly in love. People might know who they are but people always have been and always will be curious about a celebrity 's personal life and they just have to ignore it. Until one day when she mentions that she's being harassed by his fans.

-I know you've had some negative comments coming your way but I guess I always just assumed they would go away. I hate that you're actually being harassed by my fans though because they should know better. I don't want you to have to go through this when you're doing nothing wrong. Is there anything I can do about this? he said.

-I started receiving threatening messages.

-How serious are these threatening messages? Should I be concerned? Do you want me to do something about it?

-I'm start to worry. It seems that your fans hate me and want me to die.

When he hears how serious these messages are, his heart starts to beat very fast. He don't care how much his fans are supposed to be loving and kind, they would never leave messages like this.

-How many of these messages have you gotten? he asks.

-I don't know, there are a few.

He starts to get so angry. His entire body starts to heat up with anger because it's completely unacceptable to leave threatening messages even once. He's going to do something about this because he's not gonna let her get harassed.

-Can you please share some of those messages whith me? he said.

-Yes, but I don't want to worry you.

-I'm not worried about being concerned, I'm worried about them! Just show me the messages so I can take care of it for you.


He watched some of the messages and he's so disgusted by what he's reading that his anger starts to get the best of him. He said:

-These people are so sick in the head! They have no right to say these things to you. Are you okay? Do you want me to delete these messages or keep them for evidence?

-I am scared.

When he heard that, it breaks his heart. He don't know how much she understands what's being said in these messages, but he's so angry from hearing it already. There's nothing that this can do to help her other than to make him more angry.

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