Chapter 4

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-Would you like to come inside? she said.

He is a little bit shocked but he said:

-I would like to come inside...if that's ok with you.

-Come in.

After she said this he gets out the car and followed her to her beautiful house and while she unlock and enter the door, he followed her and said:



-Well your house is very nice...and I'm guessing you live here alone right?


-Well in that case are you ok with me sticking around...because I don't think I'm able to go back to my car now that I've been invited into your house.

-I need a shower, you can join me if you want!

-Really? You mean that? That sounds kind of tempting...

-Surprised me.

-Seriously? You're actually gonna let me...uhm...join you in the shower. You actually mean it?

-Of course...why not?

-Ok...well it really isn't the kind of thing you hear people saying to each other often...if at all. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't had a bit of a crush on you this whole time so it feels amazing to finally have this kind of opportunity.

She smiles.

-Ok so...are you just gonna take me with you like that? Because I'm starting to feel a little nervous about getting in a shower with you. I'm not doubting that you would treat me really well but...well it's still new to do think you can take a little bit of time helping me calm down and then we can do what we said we were going to?

She grabs his hand and starts pulling him towards the bathroom. She closes the door behind him and, looking into his eyes, begins to undress. His mouth open up like a fish he keeps watching and blush a little bit but he can't do anything but watch her undress yourself. Now she stands completely naked in front of him and smiles at him provocatively. He just stared at her body and said softly:

-Oh my God...

At that moment she slowly approaches him and starts to undress him. He lets her to undress him and feels all around her hands and her touching makes him feel even hotter. Completely undressed, she takes him by the hand and drags him into the shower. Theirs bodies gets all close up and he can feel her warmth and start wonder how far they've actually gonna go. The hot water continued to fall over their bodies and she looked at him with a devilish look. He said:

-My god you're so sexy in this lighting.

She circles around him as if she is hunting her prey and when she reaches his back starts kissing his shoulders. He closed his eyes and let out a moan:

-Oh...yeah...keep doing feel every touch.

She kisses his back full of desire. He become even more sensitive now the water has also started to really hit him and it makes him feel so relaxed and let out a small moan an said:

-Oh God...oh...yeah...keep doing feels really good...oh...

She surrounds him with kisses until she reaches his face. He feels even more exciting and feels like himself  legs are not gonna hold him up much longer and all the hot kisses on his body just make him moan louder and louder. She goes down on his thighs and him start moan even louder. Before him feels closer to climax she stop. She stand up and kissed him very passionate while pulling him hair. Their bodies merge under the falling water and both finish at the same time and remain embrace under the whatever crosses their bodies.

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