Chapter 7

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The next morning, he wakes up and he checks his phone to see if maybe she sent a quick message saying „good morning". When he sees that he didn't get any new messages, he sits up and he gets out of bed. He starts getting ready and he don't stop thinking about her for a single second as he's getting dressed. He lets his heart keeps dreaming of a future together whith B. He thinks about all the crazy things they've done since they first met and all the more he wants to be beside her. He can't stop thinking of her lips on him and his body pressed up against him. He gets up of the bathroom and he grabs his phone again and he sees that B still haven't messaged. He starts to get worried that maybe something's wrong. So he takes a deep breath and he texts her „Hey, I hope everything's okay and that you're having a good morning. I was just wondering if you want to get breakfast together sometime this morning." He hits send and he just wait for her to respond. For some reason his heart was racing but the wait wasn't long before her response come in. He reads the words and a big smile immediately comes across his face „Yes. I would love to get breakfast with you. I'm gonna make myself look great so maybe we can stop somewhere fancy? I'll be ready when you can pick me up."

After she finishes writing  and hit send , she have such a rush of adrenaline going through her heart. She feels like throwing up now but at the same time she's so excited for the day to start. She finished getting ready and she waiting for Suga to pick her up. She stands in front of the window and she's hoping to see him soon. A car pulls up in front of the building right outside her window. She can't help but feel her heart pounding but she forces herself to calm dowm. Everything is gonna be ok, she just have to get in the car. She walked over to the car and she gets in. She sits down on the seat and she's so glad he's finally here. She can't help but feel the adrenaline still pumping through her body. She looks at him and said:

-Good morning. How was your morning so far? Did you sleep well?

-Good morning. My morning was ok. I did sleep nice and that's really all I asked for. Do you like the way you look in the wardrobe clothes by the way? I thought you looked quite adorable.

-Oh...I love it!

He glances down at the outfit she's wearing. It looks really nice on her and he have to admit he likes having her wear his clothes. Her body looks amazing in anything and being able to see it in his clothes is just an added plus.

-I'm so cool that I don't want my own clothes anymore! she said.

After she said that, he and his mind gets lost in thoughts about her wearing his clothes. He imagined her wearing a bunch of different clothes and she looks amazing in all of them. Her body can make any clothes looks good. He starts to get lost in thoughts and he realises he's staring at her looking at she wearing his clothes.

-Where are we going? she asked.

-We're going to a really nice spot in town where they have amazing food and some really unique drinks as well. It's a place that my friends and I used to go to a lot so I figured I had to introduce you to it. Just so you know, I'm paying for everything as well, so don't worry about that.

-Okay, I'm a little nervous.

-Don't be nervous. I know that we've kind of gone through it very fast and things are moving fast but don't worry, it'll be fun. I'm sure by the end of this day you'll like me even more and I will certainly feel the same way for you. Just relax and let things fall into place.

-But you have to promise me that you'll let me pay for you someday too.

-I promise. Maybe not today but I promise there will be times in the future when you will get to foot the bill instead. Don't worry I won't be paying for everything. Like I said, let's just slow things down and I want everything to go at your pace. If you want to take turns, let's do that.

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