Chapter 16

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They spend the days following that kiss at her home, spending much of their time together... They talk about the months that they had been apart, they talk about what happened, what they had been doing, what they had been feeling... They talk about their feelings, they talk about their hopes and dreams, they talk about the future they both want together... They are just enjoying each others' company, enjoying each others' presence, enjoying living life together again.

Suga enjoyed the city, but even Romania is a small county, he has fans even here, so they are filmed walking in the park, their hands are interlocked, they are walking at a calming pace, enjoying each other company. They are filmed without their knowledge and the images go around the world. Everyone knows now about their reconciliation, the news it's all over the internet...

The press describes their relationship as a fairy-tale come true, as a true love story... And the public agrees, they see them as a couple destined to be together, as a pair bound by true love. They are a success story, two people who didn't give up, who overcame the obstacles and found a way to be happy together. Their story is something that makes people feel hope, it makes people feel like they can still have a happy ending, a happy-ever-after... And Suga and B are living their happy ending, they are having their ever-after right here and right now...

He stayed a few days in Bucharest, enjoying her presence, enjoying the local food, meeting her friends, her family, discovering her life as it had always been, even before he knew her. B cooked for him and he enjoyed her cooking, he enjoyed her surprises, he enjoyed all the news flavours. They are spending each day together, spending each night in each others' arms, feeling close, feeling happy. They are just living moments together, in the moment, in the present, in the here and the now... No one and nothing could destroy their happiness.

One morning, while they were having breakfast, he proposes to her, to move with him, to return with him to Korea and to move together.

-I...I want to live with you, I want to be able to live with you, spend our days together, see the world with you...he was finally admitting what he wanted, what he hoped for a future with her... And it involved his biggest fear being realized, they would be living together, and he would have to make this relationship work for the rest of their lives, but he was prepared to do so, to make her life amazing, to make her so happy that she wouldn't be able to imagine life without him.

She is stunned that he would even ask... she didn't think he would ever hear that from him, although she would have wanted to. She would be willing to move with him, to move back to Korea, to be together with him... She would move anywhere, do whatever it took, as long as it meant being with him...

She packs up her life in Romania without thinking twice, she leaves everything behind, she leaves her friends, family, her home, her job and goes back to Korea to be with him... She is determined to be with him, to be with the man she loves, to be with the man who she believes is her destiny, the one who makes her happy. She leaves it all behind because she believes in their love, she believes in their future together... She is giving up what she's built in Romania in order to build something greater with him, to build a life together.


They had finally sat down in their seats, they were now inside the plane and all the doors had now closed, it was just a matter of taking off now. A few minutes passed by as the plane took off, they were in the air now, now that they were finally up in the clouds, it felt that much more surreal, this was happening, this was real, and they were now on their way back home. She was now just staring out the window, watching the sky change as they took off and he was now sitting in his seat, he was staring at her, staring at her as if he was afraid that once they got to Korea, something might happen, that everything could change all over again.

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