Chapter 8

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The tournament goes really  well for Suga. He's enjoying his time away but he can't get his mind off B. The guilt that he'll carried with him sice that night is still present and he's starting to realise that it's not getting any better. He's starting to have an anxiety and he can tell it's only getting worse when he tried to ignore it. He missed her so much...

He missed B every day, his mind is also starting to get a little bit foggy. He's beginning to feel more and more anxious and depressed. He's thinking about how she's completely forgot him and doesn't even think about him anymore. He hopes she haven't totally given up on him. He hopes they can fix this, somehow...but how?

It's getting harder to ignore this feeling and he can't stand anymore. He feels like he could called and reach out for her at any point but something stops him from doing it. He's scared to mess things up even he don't try. He just wait for her to reach back out of him...

After he waited for days and days, he stills get nothing. He's constantly wondering what she's felling like right now. He wondered if she still have fellings for him or if she just wish to never talk to him again. He just have no way of knowing. He's missing her like crazy and he hopes that she's still missing him this much too...He starts to feel himself slipping into a depression. It's been about 3 months now and he still have no idea what she's felling. He knows something had to have changed since she kissed him that night. Everything seems to have been going downhill since this tour started...

He began to think back to that night. The way he treats her, the way she kissed him after it was all said and done. It was so sudden and it completely coughed him off guard. He keeps thinking back to how close they could have been if he only had a chance to change how it all unfolded. He feels like he was just being selfish and that he missed an opportunity to finally get close with someone special. He think how they started out and how they got here. He think about all of the fun times they had and he even think about the moments when they almost kissed each other.

He's imagining what will happen that if they were to embrace each other. He imagine himself kissing B again and feeling her warm embrace around his body. He begin to get really excited and a little bit more nervous as he wonder if she'll still be able to tolerate him after their time apart. Will she still like him after all these months gone by? If she can... then maybe they can try this thing again...

After the tour is finally over, he goes home and he feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. He finally done and back home and he feels like he can take a breath of fresh air for the first time in a long while. He decides to call B because he'll missed her terribly and he wants to see how she's been since they've last talked 3 months ago. He makes the call and he sit and wait for her response. He's felling very anxious and nervous as he wonders if she'll respond or just leave it unanswered. His heart is beats quite rapidly in his chest and he feels his hands begin to clenching into fist as he wait for an answer from her.

After a couple of moments, he feels a huge exhale of breath as he prepares to hear B's voice again. He have been so stressed out about this phone call and it's only just beginning. She answered:


-You don't know how happy I am to hear you...


-Are you okay? Did something happen while I was gone? Was everything fine while I was away?

-Everything is fine, nothing special. How was your tour?

-My tour was pretty good. I had some ups and downs along the way but I'd say it was worth the experience.


-Listen, I know you told me that you needed some time away from me these last few months and I think that may have been a good decision. I'm happy that you're feeling okay and that you're doing well. I really wanted to call you to see if you wanted to talk a little bit more about everything like you suggested. I want to hear your side a bit more and I want to explain myself a little bit.

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