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This whole week sucked ass. It was Wednesday, only two more days to go and then I'm free of this hell hole.

I haven't seen Kelly since Monday. Would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. I'm glad he was respecting what I told him, but I don't know, this was just- I don't fucking know.

I was in gym class. I wasn't cool with anyone in the class, but we were playing floor hockey, and floor hockey was always interesting.

I was always a defender or a goalie because no way in hell was I being a forward. I hate running, and being goalie or a defender? That was the easy part.

Some people tried to trip others with their hockey sticks and took the game way to seriously. It's gym class, not the fucking end of the world. If you lose you lose, that's life.

Being in the class of airheads and tryhards, and me being the reason my team lost; I was happy when the bell rang for lunch.

I got out of that gymnasium as fast as my converse feet would carry me.

I met Jane at our table. "How's Laur?" She asked me as I sat down. I sighed and laid my head on her shoulder. "Fucking surviving." I said honestly. "Same though." She replied.

"So Friday night...what are we doing?" I asked her as I took my head of her shoulder, trying to change the mood of the conversation. "I don't know. I could see if there's any shows on the strip or something?" She suggested.

I liked that idea so I agreed with her. It was our typical lunch, we talked, we ate, the bell rang, and we went our separate ways again.

Finally when school let out for the day, Janey was already at my locker waiting for me. After I grabbed my shit, we started walking to my house.

(Kelly's pov)
I was sitting with the guys in our hangout place. The place where I took Laurie a few days ago, when we kissed.

"Why aren't you doing any of the usual shit we do?" Tracii asked me as he took a sip of his beer. "I think it has to do with a young vixon named Laurie." Phil responded as he wriggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"Y'know, if I really wanted to, I could slap the British right out of you." I told him. He put his hands up defensively. "I'm just saying, if you're so beat up about her, why not go see her?" Phil suggested.

I shook my head. "I can't." "C'mon, why not?" Steve asked. "Cause she doesn't want to see me, alright?" I replied. I had enough of listening to this shit.

Mick then said I should go see her anyway, if it's throwing off my hanging out with the guys. He was right. I was shitting and pissing on their parade's. I stubbed out my cigarette and got up. "Alright, I'm going."

They hooted and and hollered as I walked towards and out the door. I got on my bike and started my way to Laurie.

(End of Kelly's pov)

"How's things with Kelly?" Janey questioned. I rolled my eyes as we walked. "I honestly don't want to talk about him right now." I said honestly. "Oh no, please don't tell me there's trouble in paradise all ready?" She said sympathetically.

"I don't know what it is to be honest." I told her honestly. The conversation then got unexpectedly deep. Talking about Kelly, talking Tod, talking about Janey's love life too. We were so engrossed in our conversation we paid no mind to the distant sound of a motorcycle.

We were pulled out of our thoughts when the motorcycle slowed down next to us and stopped, making us stop walking. Since school just ended a little bit ago, there were people ether waiting for rides, or already walking home.

Fucking hey. It was Kelly. People were doing what they did Monday, stopping to stare and talk to others. I kind of wanted to shoot myself.

"What the hell Kelly!?" I exclaimed, honestly a little bit pissed off. I told him we should lie low for awhile. This wasn't exactly that. "Listen, alright, I know you told me we should lay low and that you didn't know when we could hangout again." He started, getting straight to the point.

I crossed my arms over my chest. I felt bad for Janey, she had to be here for this argument. "The reason I said that is because all of this could get back to my parents. And I honestly don't want to bring this shit up to them. I've had enough life lectures for awhile." I told him.

"Jesus, Laurie, just listen to me for fuck sake!" He said using the same tone I did. I didn't say anything, I decided to listen to him. "Come with me and just let me explain, please." He said calmer now.

Janey then spoke up from the side of me. "You should go, it's better than yelling at each other in public, people are looking." She said to Kelly and I.

I sighed and nodded, angrily getting onto Kelly's bike, telling Janey I'd call her later.

Kelly then started his bike again, kicked the kickstand up and we left. We went to his apartment. "So what do you want to talk about?" I questioned as we entered.

"C'mon, you know what." He said. I shook my head. "All I know is that you decided to come see me after I basically told you not to. I told
you when we first started hanging out that shit with my parents is complicated, and you coming into my school, and now this? This shit is 100% getting back to my parents now. And I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do!" I told him.

"Just live with it!" He said. "God, Kelly, it's not that fucking easy! I'm still in high school, I graduate Monday. Right now my focus should be on if and where I'm going to college! But it's not because my drunk ass decided to trust you to take Janey and I home, and now your everywhere!" I told him honestly.

I didn't mind Kelly, but shit got too real, too complicated, and too fast.

He shook his head and stared straight at me. "This shouldn't be happening, this can't happen." Kelly stated. I didn't say anything. "Why on gods green fucking earth would you be with me. I got girls who want me, but for some reason, I'm with you. And you don't want me." Kelly said.

"I never said that. I said we had to lay low, keep our distance from each other for a bit." I told him.

He shook his head. "Then I guess I better go see those girls then." He said pissed off as he walked out of his own apartment and slammed the door.

I stood there wide eyed staring at the door, tears starting to form in my eyes. Eventually I snapped out of the trance I had with the door and left.

I walked all the way home in silence. No music no cigarettes, no nothing.

When I got home my parents weren't home thank Christ. I grabbed the phone and called Janey. I told her that Kelly and I talked. She said that's good. I nodded, forgetting that we're on the phone.

"It's complicated."'I said tiredly. I knew Kelly and I weren't going anywhere anymore and weren't even what we were anymore.

After I hung up with Janey, I went to my room and laid down. Something Kelly said playing over and over in my mind.

Then I guess I better go see those girls then

Who fucking knew how much words could hurt. Especially when they're from someone you care about.

I fucking hate this.

(A/N: I have started writing a Jani Lane story and I am happy to say the first chapter of it is now posted. It's called Right Down Cherry Lane. I hope you give it a read and enjoy it! Happy reading:) -Jaimie🦆🤙

The Rockstar and The Graduate//L.A. Guns •Kelly Nickels•Where stories live. Discover now