Stay In The Name Of Rock, Leave In The Name Of Love

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This one's longer than usual and I apologize

I haven't told Janey that Kelly and I argued, I also hadn't told her that he and I wouldn't be hanging out anymore. It was the next day, Thursday. I was glad we got out early today.

The school day went by fast thanks to that and of course Janey.

She didn't walk home with me today. It was fine, I honestly just wanted to be by myself for now. When I got home, I didn't do shit. I didn't feel like smoking a cigarette, doing homework, I didn't even want to listen to music which was rare.

My parents wouldn't be home tonight, they were weird people. Every so often the two of them would go on spontaneous trips together, so who knows when they'll be home.

It truly keep's surprising me how my parents trusting me works. Barely trusting me to go to a show on the strip with Janey, but full on trusting me with the house to myself for
a few days while they go wherever the fuck they're going.

It's crazy.

I didn't feel like doing anything, so I made myself a sandwich and sat in the living room. I turned on Mtv becasue there wasn't a lot I wanted to. Not after the whole thing with Kelly.

I was sat there for awhile, a few hours or so. It was dark now. I was about to turn off the tv when the phone starting ringing. I sighed as I got up and answered it.

"Hey, uh, is this Laurie?" A random guy asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "...yeah, whose asking?" I questioned him. "Uhm, my names Tracii, Tracii Guns, I-I'm a friend of Kelly's." He said.

I sighed. "I don't know what you want, but if it's for Kelly's sake tell him I don't want talk to him." I told Tracii honestly.

I was still pissed and saddened over the shit that went down. "I would, but It's Kelly man, he's drunk." He replied. I don't know why he was telling me this.

"Okay, and?" I said, not wanting to be on the phone anymore. Then it hit me, Tracii was the guy that Janey liked. I sighed again. "Jus-just come over to his place, man. He's really messed up and he keeps asking for you." Tracii said like he was exhausted.

I debated on what I was going to do. "Alright fine." I said. He said thanks and then hung up.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my keys. I turned off the tv before I left and I locked the door.

As I drove, I drove with the windows down. It was nice feeling the night breeze. Playing on the radio was Forever by The Beach Boys. I shook my head to myself. The serenity of things. Ironic if anything.

I don't know what time it was when I reached the apartment complex. I got out and started up the stairs to Kelly's apartment. I didn't know if I should of knocked, but I did it anyway.

Eventually the door opened and it was who I assumed was Tracii. He looked vaguely familiar. "Hey." Is all he said as he let me in. Kelly was sprawled out on the couch, it didn't look comfortable.

"How much did he have to drink?" I asked Tracii. He shrugged. "I wasn't with him, I was talking to our potential band manager." He answered.

I nodded and just stood there. I didn't know what the fuck I should be doing. All Tracii told me was that Kelly was drunk and he kept asking for me. "What the fuck Tracii?" I heard a drunk Kelly mumble.

"Hey, you kept asking for her so I thought maybe she could help you, you've been shitty all day and night." Tracii said sort of pissed off.

Tracii then turned towards me. "Sorry for bringing you into this, but I gotta go." He said. I nodded. "No-I, it's fine, but wait." I told him.

The Rockstar and The Graduate//L.A. Guns •Kelly Nickels•Where stories live. Discover now