Chapter One Meeting Skylynn

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Paige's POV

I walked through the doors of the huge house. It still had that new house smell. I scoot my feet across the hardwood floors and up the stairs to claim my bedroom. I'm not in the best mood considering my mom moved my brother and I without warning across the country. My brother, Josh (Josh is 18 and is leaving for college soon), is in a way better mood than I am he ran into the house as fast as he could. He's always been good at adjusting and making friends. I'm pretty good at making friends so I guess that runs in the family, but adjusting, not so much. I walk up the stairs and around the corner I see a beautiful navy blue room with all new white furniture, an attached bathroom and a walk-in closet. I set my bags down. I notice I have a balcony. I open the big, white double doors to see another house has a balcony facing my room as well. I leave the doors open to get fresh air and start unpacking boxes.
It's been a good hour an a half and I finally got everything unpacked and set up the way I want. It's barely 11 now and so I decide to walk around the neighborhood. I grab my white high-top converse and my North Face fleece jacket since it was a little chilly in May. I walked into the kitchen and told my mom I was going to go walk around and get some fresh air. She said it was fine and that I needed to be back by 6 for dinner. I walked out the front door and I saw a blonde headed, little girl running towards me with a plastic horse in both hands. She ran up to me and grabbed my leg.
"Hey sweet girl," I say picking her up "what's wrong?" I continued as I saw a lady running towards me.
"Skylynn! Don't you ever run away from me like that!" She said reaching for the little girl in my arms. I handed 'Skylynn' over to the lady. "Sorry about that we were playing tag and someone ran too far away from the house boundaries." She said looking at Sky.
"Oh it's fine, she didn't bother me." I said as I looked at Sky. "Are these your horses?" I said pointing to the horses in Sky's hands.
"Yes! This is Sugar and this is Princess." She said pointing to each one as she said their names, we continued to play with the horses as the lady watched.
"Wow! You are so good with her!" The lady said. I had multiple years of babysitting experience in Arkansas, where I was from.
"I have a lot of experience with little kids, I babysat a lot in my old town." I said continuing to play with Sky and her horses.
"Um, would you be interested in babysitting Sky this Friday-Sunday? I know that I just meet you, but you seem very trustworthy and I'm in desperate need for a babysitter."
She said looking up to me with desperation in her eyes.
"I would love to!" I said. Considering I don't have any friends here something to do would be wonderful.
"Okay my name is Elizabeth by the way. Is your mother home? I would love to talk to her about everything. If you could come over for dinner tonight and answer some questions before Friday that would be amazing, but I didn't catch your name." She said walking towards the house door.
"Um, my mother is inside and I would love to join you for dinner. I'm Paige and I'm 14." I said leading her inside. Elizabeth and my mom talked for awhile. As they talked I went upstairs to get ready for dinner at Elizabeth's. Sky came with me and helped me pick out my outfit. She has incredible taste for a 5 year old. I put on a sweatshirt that said 'You're killin' me smalls' a quote from my favorite movie, The Sandlot, along with some lightly faded skinny jeans and Sky said my white high-top converse would look great with my sweatshirt. After I was done Sky started to talk about what we could do for the weekend at her house. I sat there for awhile listening but slowly began to zone out until I heard, "Girls come downstairs." Elizabeth was calling us. I grabbed Skylynn and walked downstairs. Then Elizabeth, my mom and I talked about what is expected out of me and how the weekend was going to go, etc. Basically Elizabeth said that she expects me to cook lunches and make sure Sky gets her nap. That was basically it. She mentioned that Sky had three brothers, but one was away at college. I brushed it off thinking the other two were probably little like Skylynn.

We began to walk to Elizabeth's, which wasn't long since she was my neighbor. She led me inside. Once I got inside a boy who was a little taller than I am approached the door.
"Mom what's for-" he started to say as he noticed I was there. He had shaggy brown hair that flopped all around, piercing blue eyes and was pretty tan. I have to say I was attracted for sure.
"-dinner." He finished still looking at me. Being myself I said, "Oh, I'm Paige. I'm going to babysit Skylynn this weekend, so your Mom wanted to ask me a few questions over dinner. I hope you don't mind." Like I said before, meeting new people doesn't phase me so I had no problem introducing myself.
" course not. I'm Hayes, Skylynn's brother. It's nice to meet you Paige." 'Hayes' said as he walked into the kitchen. Once dinner began Elizabeth was the first to start conversation. I sat next to Skylynn and Nash, the other brother. He was really nice and welcoming, he reminded me of Josh.
"So Paige, your mother said that you just moved in." She said looking up towards me.
"Um, yes ma'am. We moved from Arkansas because of my mom's job." I said.
"Okay then, so about you babysitting Sky..." She began taking another bite of her food. As she finished Sky came and sat in my lap, she seemed really tired and cuddled up to me as Elizabeth started to talk again, "I will be on a business trip until Sunday and Nash is going to Cameron's house so I didn't want to leave Sky alone with Hayes, but I'm sure you two will get along great! If you wouldn't mind, my only concern is at night. Would you mind staying here at our house for the weekend? You're welcome to stay in the guest room."
"Um..sure. No problem." I said, this was going to be interesting. Hayes an I were the same age yet I was technically babysitting him. What did I get myself in to?
Hey Guys! This is my first book, so just bare with me! I totally forgot to tell you what Paige looked like so; she has long dirty-blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, she's pretty pale compared to some (she doesn't really 'tan' because her skin is naturally red & when she was born she had red hair) she's about 5'3 and has long legs(: hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Btw-I normally write the chapters a while before I publish them. So, the author's note is based on the time I wrote it :)


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