Chapter Eight Taylor and Matthew...

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Paige's POV

I went home a couple hours after hanging out with Hayes. I packed my bag for Magcon and now it's finally the day! It's 7 am and Hayes, Nash, and Cam are picking me up at 8, so I need to start getting ready. I do my normal morning routine; shower, dry my hair, straighten my hair, and change. I decide to wear some black joggers and a white and black baseball tee. I grab my phone and wait for the guys I start scrolling through twitter and see a bunch of notifications I read a few:
(Totally making up these accounts)
@HayesisBae: You and Hayes are so cute! Can't wait to see you at MAGCON! #Payes
@HayesBabe: you're so ugly why is Hayes even with you, he could do much better
@ShawnNashCam: really @HayesBabe! She is fat, ugly and dumb like why would he even like her
The hate continued, it doesn't phase me too bad. I just shake it off. Then the doorbell rings. I run to the door and see Nash and Hayes waiting for me.
"Ready?" They both say in unison.
"Definitely, this is going to be great!"
We finally arrive at the airport and are escorted to our flight. I sit with Hayes and Nash and Cam sit in front of us. I hear the intercom come on.
"Okay passengers please take your seats the 10 o'clock flight to San Diego, California will take off shortly."
Hayes had pulled the arm rest between us up and I snuggle up to him. We watch a couple movies and then we finally land. Once we land Nash, Cam, Hayes and I are escorted off the plane and then the security guard leaves. Then I see a bunch of teenage boys running towards us. I'm then engulfed in a huge group hug. Then everyone let's go and starts introducing themselves. A boy that's about 5'5 and has a bandana around his brown hair walks up to me, he looks cute with his New York Yankee baseball shirt and a bandana tied around his head, he says, "and who is this sweet thanngg?" As he wraps his hand around my waist.
"I'm Paige, and who are you bandana boy?" I say taking his bandana off his head and re-tying it around my head.
"Taylor, Taylor Caniff." He says with a smile.
"Well Taylor I like your bandana." I say reaching for the bandana to give it back to him.
"Keep it, it looks way better on a hot babe like you than it ever did on me." He says re-tying it on my head.
I talk to a couple of the other guys and then I'm greeted with a really attractive boy who says, "I'm Matthew, or Matt, and you are?" He says hitting my shoulder in a playful way.
"Paige, nice to meet you Matthew." I say with a smile.
"Ah Paige, well if you ever need something with all these crazy guys come get me because sometimes they can get out of hand." He says with a smile revealing his bright white teeth.
"Okay I defiantly will, thanks Matthew." I say giving him a hug. Then I see Mahogany.
"Oh my goodness! You must be Paige! I've heard so much about you!" She says bringing me in for a hug.
"Yes, and your Mahogany! I'm so glad to see you, finally another girl!" I say in relief.
Hayes' POV

I get out of the group hug and start talking to Matt. I see Taylor wrap his hand around Paige's waist and I cringe, but tell myself that's just Taylor. I repeat it over and over, but the more I think about it the worst the thoughts gets. That's just Taylor. Exactly! That's just Taylor, he just makes moves on girls all the time!
Paige takes off Taylor's bandana and he tells her to just keep it. She blushes and lets him retie it on her head.
Oh my god! She blushed! No, no blushing. Taylor get away from her!
Matt must have realized I was worried about Taylor and Paige because he said, "Here I'll go check it out, buddy."
What! Check her out! No, Hayes quit being paranoid, he said 'check it out' as in what's going on between the two of them.
I shake off the thoughts and thank Matt as he walks over towards Paige. She smiled as he talks, gosh I love her smile.

Paige's POV
We arrive at the hotel and meet Bart for our rooms. Hayes, Cam, Matt, Taylor and I were in a room and Nash, Carter, Mahogany, Jacob, Aaron, and Shawn were in the other. I walk with Hayes and Matt to our room and as we walk in I claim the bed in the middle, Hayes is on my left and Taylor is on my right, Cam is on the other side of Taylor and Matt is on the other side of Hayes.
"Let's do something!" Taylor and Cam wine.
"Okay what do you guys want to do?" I ask looking over towards them. They look at each other and nod. I give them both a weird look and before I know it Taylor and Cam are chasing me around the hotel. I'm so confused. They yelled, "1,...2,....3!" And then started chasing me. Taylor finally catches up to me and wraps his arms around me and carries me into the empty elevator.
"Taylor, what the crap is going on! Why are you two chasing me around the hotel!?" I basically yelled at him.
He lets out a laugh and then says, "because we always chase the newest person around the hotel and then whoever catches them first wins. We've been doing it for years. Cam's beating me 7-5, but now it's 7-6 since I caught you, I've never caught such a beautiful girl before, though." He says moving closer to me. Wow, this boy is such a flirt, but I kind of like it...
I smile and look at him. He's smiling like a fool. The elevator opens, relieving the awkwardness in the air. We walk out of the elevator and Taylor throws me over his shoulder and carries me into our room.
"Taylor! Taylor put me down!" I say in between laughs.
"Gladly!" He says flinging me onto his bed. I look over at Hayes as I laugh, he looks pissed. I wonder why.

Hayes' POV
"Taylor! Taylor out me down!" Paige yells as Taylor and her walk into our room, she's over his shoulder and he says, "Gladly!" With a smirk as he flings her into his bed. I'm pissed. We've only been here 30 minutes and Taylor is already all over her. She glances over at me and we make eye contact. She looks at me with confusion in her eyes. Then she just laughs it off as Taylor plops down next to her on his bed and then Cam walks in.
Okay so the start of the drama.....Taylor is making his move now, but what about Paige's attraction to Matt? Update coming sometime soon, just having a little writer's block.


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