Chapter Four Ending the Weekend

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Paige's POV

I woke up in the same position I was last night. I sat Skylynn back on the couch by Cam and walked into the kitchen.
"I need to talk to you." Hayes was in front of me.
"You have 5 minutes, go." I said raising eyebrow.
"Um, okay. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for leading you on like I did. I should have never lead you on and then had Emily over. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, can we start over?" His eyes were locked on mine. I thought it over.
"Yes we can." I said with a smile, because everyone deserves a second chance and I couldn't say no to those blue eyes.
"Okay good. Hi my name is Hayes Grier and I think you are extremely beautiful." He said with a smile.
"Hello Hayes, my name is Paige. I'm here to babysit Skylynn and you're not too bad yourself." I said with a smile. For the rest of the day Hayes and I got back to flirting on and off. Nash and Cam are still pretty protective over me. I introduced them to Josh and the three of them hung out for the rest of the day. Hayes and I sat out by the pool and talked for hours beyond hours about the stupidest things and then he said, "Truth or Dare?" I groaned and said, "Dare."
"Okay, I dare you to come with me." He said with a smirk as he started to pull me through the woods that were attached to his backyard.
"Um...okay. What's with the smirk and where are we going?" I said with a laugh.
"You'll see!" He said still pulling me.
We eventually got to a beautiful waterfall with a river at the end of it. Hayes tugged on a rope attached to a big tree. He slipped his shirt off exposing his toned abs.
"Like what you see?" He said referring to his abs.
"What are you talking about? I don't see anything." I said poking his stomach. The next thing I knew he grabbed my waist and swung us both across the river.
"On the count of three jump into the water, okay?" He said looking into my eyes.
"Okay." I said with a nervous smile.
"One.." He said
"Two.." I said
"Three." We both said as we leaped into the water. It was an amazing way to end the weekend, but we needed to get back so I didn't loose my job.
We got back and Elizabeth was pulling up in the driveway. Nash, Cameron, Hayes, Sky and I all greeted her at the door. We all decided to watch a movie, The Sandlot, my all time favorite movie. I snuggled up to Hayes on the couch. It was a perfect way to end the weekend.
Okay I know this chapter was like super short, but it's really late and I have softball games tomorrow! Wish me luck. Goodnight!


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