Chapter Six A journey to the park

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Hayes' POV

Last night was amazing. Paige and I talked for what felt like hours. She told me stories that's she's heard about her Dad. Like one time their family went to the beach and Paige found seashells and one looked like a P so from then on she's been called P-Shell by her Mom and Dad. Apparently Josh used to call her that too, but stopped once her Dad passed away. It was a amazing night. I really like Paige, but I don't know if she feels the same way, sure we flirt on and off, but I still don't know. I'll just wait and find out later...
Paige's POV

I woke up around 9 o'clock this morning thinking about the balcony talks from last night. The thought put a smile on my face, the thought of Hayes puts a smile on my face. I check my phone to see 3 messages; one from Mom, one from Josh, and one from Hayes. I open Josh's first
Joshie💕: I just landed in Arkansas and I already miss you Paige! Love you so much!
Paige: I miss you so much Josh! I love you beyond words, see you around Thanksgiving❤️
When I typed that I would see him around Thanksgiving my heart broke a little. Thanksgiving is in 5 months. I won't see my brother for 5 months. It's only June, and school doesn't start for another 2 months, but since Josh got a baseball scholarship he has to go early for practice. I decided to open my Mom's text next
Momma🌸: Morning P-Shell, I went into work since you were still sleeping. You're home alone for now, but I'll be home around 5 and the Grier's are just next door if you need anything.
Paige: Okay Momma, see you at 5
I opened Hayes' last
Your Sexy Neighbor😍: Morning Paige, I hope you like my contact name I put in your phone😏anyway would you like to go to the park with me around 1?
Paige: Morning Mr. Grier and I would love to join 'My Sexy Neighbor' for a walk to the park (;
I checked the time, 12 o'clock. I have exactly one hour to get ready. I quickly hop into the shower and wash my hair. I finish my shower and blow dry my hair while the straightener heats up. Since my hair is naturally straight with a few waves I just straighten all the baby hairs. Then I move onto clothes. I decide to wear some jean shorts with a 'Davidson Day Bulldogs' t-shirt I got when I toured the school in May. It's 12:57 now so I grab my grey Vans and walk downstairs when the doorbell rings. I open the door and see Hayes.
"Okay, you ready to go?" He ask.
"Yep, why did you want to go to the park?" I ask as we begin walking down our road.
"Because I wanted to show you something, now stop asking so many questions and come on." He says pulling my wrist so I'll go faster.
We continue our walk to the park which eventually turned into a run to the park. We finally arrived to a park that was almost completely empty.
"Follow me." Hayes said grabbed my hand. I followed him until we arrived at a big tree with a ton of branches.
"Can you climb?" Hayes said looking at me.
" can't grab the first branch, but once I'm up I'll be fine." I said looking up to the tall branch.
"Okay, I'll lift you up so you can reach." He said. I thought it was a joke, but he was dead serious.
"Um...okay. I'm not the lightest." I said as he clinched his hands together. I then placed my foot in his hands and wrapped my arms around his neck for support.
"Ready?" He said looking up at me. I nodded my head. Then he lifted me up, no problem whatsoever. Once I was up a couple branches Hayes started climbing up. We were in the middle of the tree.
"So why did you want to bring me to this beautiful tree?" I said. The tree was beautiful. It had branches going every which way and the leaves were dark green and you could see the entire park.
"Well I thought it would be fun." He said looking away from me.
"Hayes, tell the real reason you wanted to bring me here." I said putting my fingers on his face and turning it to face me. I scooted closer to him in the process.
"Um..okay. I wanted to show you this." He said as he pointed to a craving in the tree. It read:
H + P =
"Paige, you're the sweetest girl I've ever known. You're kind, gentle, truthful, and easy to talk to. Will you please be my girlfriend?" He said as his bright blue eyes stared into mine. I just sat there, I was in complete shock.
"Oh...I get it. It was a stupid question anyway-" I cut him off as I turned his head toward me and lightly pressed my lips to his. It was a light kiss, and it was only for a few seconds, but I felt fireworks. I pulled away to see a huge grin on Hayes' face. I pulled off a small, sharp branch on the tree and finished the craving he had shown me.
H + P =
Then we sat there for a couple minutes just smiling at each other. We hoped down from the tree, well Hayes did. Then he lifted me out of the tree and gave me a piggy-back ride all the way back to his house. It was a great way to end our little journey to the park.
Okay so Hayes and Paige♡
Anyway I hope you like this chapter! More coming soon!


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