Chapter Fourteen Brandon...

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Paige's POV
It's now lunch and after Hayes told me that every guy in school was checking me out I've started noticing that guys keep looking at me and smiling. I smile back most of the time and just keep walking. I'm Hayes' girl, no one else's. I walk to my locker and punch in my combo and grab my lunch out of my locker. Before I close the locker door I feel two arms wrap around me, "Hey beautiful." They say. I don't recognize the voice, so it's not Hayes. I quickly spin around and I see a tall, tan, blonde headed boy with green eyes.
"Oh my gosh! Brandon!" I say as I my body fills with joy and I jump into Brandon's arms. Brandon was my best friend before I moved, gosh I've missed him. Our parents always joked that we were the same person because we were so alike, they would call us Left Half and Right Half for as long as I can remember, ever since then he always called me his better half.....and I called him mine.
"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here!" I say as he lets go of me.
"I moved here." He says with a grin.
"You're here to stay. Oh Brandon, you don't understand how much I've missed you-" I say as I hug him again, but he quickly let's go of me and then I turn around to see an angry Hayes. Oh goodness.
"Hayes, this is Brandon. My old best friend from Arkansas." I say, hopefully Hayes won't freak out on me since Brandon is just an old friend.
"Nice to meet you Brandon." Hayes says as he walk in between Brandon and I and wraps his arm around me, leaving Brandon there feeling awkward.
"You too, so is he your new 'better half'?" Brandon says with sad eyes.
"Hayes is my boyfriend," I say, but I don't finish my sentence.
"Ah, I see. You're a very lucky guy, Hayes. Paige was the best thing that ever happened to me." Brandon says looking over at me with a smile. Crap, here I am with two boys that I love to death. Brandon got me through my awful life in Arkansas and Hayes gave me a wonderful life in North Carolina, but they couldn't have anymore tension between them. I decide to break the tension, "Let's eat, I'm starving." I say with a smile. I look at Hayes and he relaxes his grip and let's go of me. Okay, he's not mad. I look at Brandon and he has the same stupid grin on his face that he always does when he's happy.
"Okay, good both my boys are happy." I say swinging my arms around both their shoulders. They both look down at me with a smile, dang I love them.
Flash forward to the end of the day(:
I walk to my locker to see both Hayes and Brandon waiting for me. They're both smiling like idiots. Something's up.
"What's with all the smiling faces, you two looked like you could have killed each other three hours ago." I say with a laugh as I put my things away.
"Well, we don't want to kill each other anymore. Brandon is pretty cool." Hayes says as he gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah, Hayes is an awesome guys and I'm happy for you P-Shell." Brandon says as he hangs his arm over my shoulder.
"Okay, well I'm glad that my two favorite boys like each other. Love you both." I say as Brandon pulls his arm away. I then throw my arms around their shoulders and we begin our walk home.
"but you love me more, right?" Hayes says with a smirk.
"Whatever lover boy, Paige will always love me the most." Brandon says with that same stupid grin that I love so much.
"Boys, I love you both....just in different ways." I say, but my voice gets quiet when I say the last part.
"Yeah, yeah." They both say as we approach my house. We walk in and then Josh comes over and spins me around and pulls me into a hug.
"You look amazing in that dress I gave you!" He says as he sets me down. He peaks over my shoulder.
"Brandon? Brandon Clark, is that you?" Josh says walking over to Brandon.
"Here in the flesh." Brandon says with a laugh, "I moved here a week ago and I saw this girl with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes at the locker across from and mine at school and I would know those eyes anywhere, Paige Shelly. I also got to meet this guy which was pretty fun." He says gesturing to Hayes, but locked his eyes to mine.
"Well I can't believe it! You know we should all hang out, and catch up! It's Friday, so everyone could stay the night." Josh says with excitement in his voice. Brandon and Josh were best friends back in Arkansas, but slowly Brandon gravitated to be my best friend. Josh was pissed with me at first, told me that I 'stole his best friend' and a bunch of other stuff like that, but he's cool with it now.
"Defiantly!" I say as everyone else joins in afterwards.
For the rest of the night Josh, Hayes, Brandon, and I all hung out and caught up with Brandon, or in Hayes' case got to know him better. Before I knew it, we were all on the couch watching my favorite movie, The Sandlot. I slowly drifted off on Hayes' shoulder as my legs were on Brandon's lap. Man, I love my boys.
Okay so Brandon and Hayes are all of a sudden nice to each other, something's up. Paige just let's it slide, too bad she didn't try harder to find out what it was because it will end up hurting her later....
You got to love the drama


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